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Part  I 




William   M.  MacBean 




.34  S^  I 


JAN  25  1912 


It  is  rather  singular  that  the  Scotsmen  of  New  York,  of  whom 
there  were  many — landed  proprietors,  professional  men  and  mer- 
chants— should  have  so  long  delayed  the  formation  of  a  Scottish 
charitable  society.  Boston,  Charleston,  Philadelphia  and  Savannah, 
in  the  order  named,  were  earlier  in  the  field.  The  first  notice  I  have 
found  of  any  attempt  at  forming  a  Scottish  Society  in  New  York  was 
in  1753,  but  it  appears  to  have  been  more  patriotic  and  social  than 
charitable.  In  that  year,  I  find  in  the  press  of  the  day  repeated  calls 
to  meeting  of  "The  Scots  Society"  at  the  home  of  Malcolm  McEuen 
"near  the  City  Hall"  (then  in  Wall  Street),  and  on  Saint  Andrew's 
Day  of  that  year  this  Society  honored  the  occasion  by  a  dinner  at 
"Scotch  Johnny's"  (otherwise  John  Thomson,  a  popular  boniface  of 
that  time),  "at  the  sign  of  the  Crown  and  Thistle  at  the  White  Hall 
Slip."  The  ships  in  the  river  were  dressed,  cannon  fired  by  the  naval 
vessel  on  the  station,  and  in  the  evening  the  members  went  in  a  body 
to  the  theatre  in  Nassau  Street,  escorted  by  "a  vast  concourse  of 
people."  One  wonders  whether  the  "Garb  of  Old  Gaul"  or  the  bag- 
pipes were  the  greater  attraction,  for  they  must  have  had  one  or  the 
other,  if  not  both,  to  account  for  the  "vast  concourse."  Nothing 
further  is  heard  of  this  "Scots  Society,"  but  it  probably  was  the 
seed  which  bore  such  grand  fruit. 

The  Highland  dress  and  the  bagpipes,  however,  were  destined 
soon  to  be  no  novelty  in  the  Colony.  In  1756  Pitt  determined  to 
press  the  war  with  France  and  attempt  the  conquest  of  Canada.  For 
this  purpose  he  needed  soldiers,  and  he  had  the  sagacity  to  turn  a 
formidable  disturbing  element  to  the  peace  of  the  country  into  loyal 
supporters  of  the  government.  The  chiefs  of  the  clans  were  offered 
rank  in  the  army  if  companies  of  Highland  soldiers  were  raised  by 
them  for  service  abroad,  and  in  a  very  short  time  it  became  manifest 
that  the  Highlands  of  Scotland  was  a  recruiting  ground  for  brave 
and  adventurous  men  to  whom  soldiering  appealed,  and  their  subse- 
quent behavior  in  many  a  well-fought  field  in  support  of  the  Empire 
justified  Pitt's  action.     It  is  true  there  already  was  a  regiment  of 


Highland  soldiers  in  the  ranks  of  the  army,  the  42nd,  or  Black 
Watch,  and  on  the  field  of  Fontenoy  they  had  demonstrated  what 
they  could  do,  but  they  were  not  popular  in  the  Highlands  at  the 
time,  as  they  were  looked  upon  as  a  Whig  regiment  and  had  been 
raised  for  the  purpose  of  being  a  "watch"  upon  the  Highlands. 
Pitt's  first  step  against  the  French  was  to  send  the  42nd  Royal  High- 
landers to  New  York,  and  this  city  saw  an  unusual  sight  in  the 
month  of  June,  1756,  when  this  regiment  marched  through  its  streets, 
to  the  barracks  in  the  fort  at  Bowling  Green,  with  colors  flying  and 
bagpipes  playing.  The  42nd  did  not  remain  long  in  New  York,  their 
destination  being  Albany,  the  rendezvous  for  the  army  intended  for 
campaigning  on  the  Lakes.  It  is  probable  that  the  Scottish  residents 
of  New  York  entertained  the  officers  of  the  regiment,  for  we  find 
that,  in  the  following  year  when  two  more  Scottish  regiments  arrived, 
the  77th,  Montgomery's  Highlanders,  and  the  78th,  Fraser's  High- 
landers, they  were  entertained  royally. 

On  the  nineteenth  day  of  November  in  the  year  1756,  "a  number 
of  gentlemen,  natives  of  Scotland,  and  of  Scottish  descent,  met  to- 
gether and  agreed  to  form  themselves  into  a  Society  for  charitable 
purposes."  Many  of  the  Scottish  officers  in  the  army,  captains  of 
trading  vessels,  some  of  whom  became  subsequently  merchants  of 
New  York,  and  visiting  Scotsmen  were  enrolled  as  members.  On 
Saint  Andrew's  Day  of  1757  the  Society  held  its  first  anniversary 
dinner,  the  event  being  duly  chronicled  in  the  press.  The  Society 
continued  on  its  way  thereafter,  dispensing  its  charities  and  celebrat- 
ing each  succeeding  Saint  Andrew's  Day  until  1774,  when  the 
troublous  times  of  the  Revolution  put  a  temporary  stop  to  its  activi- 
ties. During  the  period  under  review  many  other  regiments  arrived 
in  the  Colony  and  many  of  the  Scottish  officers  in  their  ranks  joined 
the  Society.  The  26th  Cameronians,  the  1st  Royals  and  the  60th 
Royal  American  regiment,  the  latter  officered  largely  by  Scotsmen, 
contributed  a  goodly  number  to  our  ranks.  Many  of  them  rose  to 
high  rank  in  the  service  and  others  gave  their  lives  for  their  country. 

At  the  peace  of  1763  some  of  the  Scottish  regiments  were  dis- 
banded, and  officers  and  men  were  given  the  option  to  remain  in  the 
country,  grants  of  land  being  offered  them  as  an  inducement.  Many 
of  them  had  formed  ties  in  this  country  and  had  taken  them  wives 
and  begat  families,  and  they  as  a  rule  remained,  and  most  of  them 
continued  loyal  to  the  flag  for  which  they  had  fought.     Not  many  of 


their  descendants  are  to  be  found  here,  however,  but  must  be  looked 
for  in  Nova  Scotia  and  New  Brunswick.  The  leaven  of  the  Society, 
however,  was  the  Scottish  merchants  of  the  city,  who,  for  the  honor 
of  Saint  Andrew,  looked  after  their  poor  fellow-countrymen,  and 
our  best  citizens  went  from  house  to  house  "relieving"  the  distressed." 

Nothing  heretofore  has  been  done  to  rescue  from  oblivion  the 
personnel  of  the  membership,  with  the  exception  of  the  Memorial 
History  by  Mr.  Morrison,  published  in  1906,  on  the  one  hundred 
and  fiftieth  anniversary  of  the  Society.  This  work  was  confined  to 
sketches  of  the  lives  of  the  Presidents.  I  am  attempting  the  identifi- 
cation of  the  membership  from  its  early  beginning  in  1756  to  the 
year  1806.  The  following  installment  of  the  work  is  devoted  to  the 
period  1756- 1783,  and  I  hope  it  will  meet  at  least  with  indulgence  in 
view  of  the  fact  that  not  a  line  of  it  was  collected  prior  to  a  year  ago. 

Sketches  of  the  several  officers,  of  whom  I  have  given  only  their 
official  record,  may  yet  be  found  in  the  many  works  on  the  period 
published  in  this  country,  and  in  the  town  and  county  histories  of 

Those  members  who  have  not  been  identified  were  prominent 
Scotsmen  in  the  Colony  of  New  York,  merchants  from  other  Ameri- 
can Colonies  or  visiting  Scotsmen  from  the  West  Indies,  and  it  is 
hoped  that  some  time  in  the  future  some  data  concerning  them  may 
be  found. 

In  the  year  1823  the  Society  published  a  copy  of  its  Constitution 
with  a  list  of  officers  and  members  from  the  beginning  to  that  date. 
This  list  was  made  up  from  the  Records  in  the  handwriting  of  the 
several  secretaries,  and  owing  to  the  difficulty  of  deciphering,  errors 
crept  into  the  printed  record.  Errors  also  have  occurred  through 
faulty  spelling.  No  effort  seemed  to  have  been  made  to  identify 
each  member,  and  the  errors  have  remained  until  this  day.  Where- 
ever  these  errors  have  been  noted,  corrections  have  been  made  with 
great  care  and  only  after  mature  deliberation. 

The  next  period,  from  the  Evacuation  to  the  close  of  the  first  fifty 
years  of  the  Society's  existence,  1783-1806,  will  be  a  more  difficult 
task,  as  sketches  of  the  lives  of  plain  merchant  citizens  are  not  easily 
attainable.  The  press  is  almost  the  only  source  of  information  and 
the  advertisements  therein  practically  the  only  reading  matter,  out- 
side of  foreign  news.  There  was  then  no  society  column  with  its 
divulgence    of    intimate    and    indiscreet    information,    no    obituary 


sketches,  and  not  always  an  obituary  notice.  There  is  no  doubt, 
however,  that  the  descendants  of  many  of  our  members  of  this 
period  could  help  materially  in  the  work  of  identification  could  they 
be  got  at,  therefore  the  results  obtained  should  eventually  be  pub- 
lished, no  matter  how  little  there  can  be  said  about  each  member,  in 
order  that  our  citizens  of  Scottish  descent  may  become  interested  in 
their  ancestors'  connection  with  the  Saint  Andrew's  Society  of  the 
State  of  New  York. 

I  shall  esteem  it  a  favor  should  anyone  correct  any  errors  into 
which  I  may  have  fallen,  and  I  invite  correspondence  which  may  add 
to  our  knowledge  of  any  of  the  members  in  the  following  list. 

William  M.  MacBean, 

ii  Wall  Street, 

New  York  City, 
Nov.  2nd,  1911. 





Vice-President  1758-59;  4th  President  1759-61. 

(For  biographical  sketch  see  Morrison's  History.) 



Son  of  the  Rev.  Thomas  Barclay-,  Rector  of  St.  Peters'  Church, 
Albany,  N.  Y.,  in  which  city  he  was  born;  graduated  Yale,  1734; 
missionary  for  many  years  among  the  Mohawks ;  became  Rector  of 
Trinity  Church,  New  York,  October  1746;  d.  August  20,  1764. 


In  1757  Capt.  Buchanan  of  the  Royal  American  Regiment  of 
Artillery  was  stationed  at  Sandy  Hook,  according  to  the  Post  Boy; 
was  with  Braddock  and  was  wounded  in  the  fight.  The  British 
Army  List  gives  his  record  as  follows : — Capt. -Lieut.  Royal  Artillery 
April  1,  1756;  Captain,  January  1,  1759;  Major  in  the  army  July  23, 
1772.  In  1776  he  received  the  appointment  of  Lieut. -Gov.  of  Kinsale 
and  Charles  Fort  in  the  Kingdom  of  Ireland,  and  was  knighted.  In 
1779  had  become  Lieut.-Colonel. 

(This  name  appears  on  Roll  as  G.  J.  Buchanan.) 

2  ROSTER.  [1756 

Manager  1764-65. 

Son  of  Lachlan  Campbell  of  Islay,  Argyleshire,  and  "Campbell 
Hall."  Ulster  Co.,  N.  Y. ;  was  born  at  the  latter  place;  young  when 
father  died ;  apprenticed  to  a  merchant  in  New  York  and  went 
several  voyages  as  supercargo  to  the  West  Indies.  When  the  42nd 
Highlanders  landed  in  New  York  in  1756  he  found  several  relatives 
among  the  officers,  entered  the  regiment  as  a  volunteer,  soon  receiv- 
ing an  Ensigncy,  served  in  one  or  two  campaigns  in  1759,  received 
an  appointment  as  Lieutenant  in  the  Royal  American  Regiment  while 
at  Quebec;  1763  reduced  to  half-pay;  went  to  England,  presented  a 
Memorial  to  the  Crown  and  eventually  received  a  large  grant  of  land. 
His  second  visit  to  England  is  dwelt  on  at  length  in  Jones'  History  of 
New  York.  When  the  news  of  the  skirmish  at  Lexington  reached 
New  York,  Donald,  with  a  motley  crowd,  paraded  the  town  with 
drums  beating,  colors  flying  and  invited  the  citizens  to  take  up  arms. 
For  his  activities  he  expected  reward  and  was  much  chagrined  when 
he  found  that  he  did  not  receive  an  appointment  in  the  Continental 
army;  went  to  Philadelphia,  presented  a  Memorial  to  Congress  and 
was  appointed  Deputy  Quarter-Master  General ;  went  with  Mont- 
gomery to  Canada,  was  at  the  siege  of  St.  Johns,  at  Montreal  when 
it  surrendered,  and  at  Quebec.  Upon  the  death  of  Montgomery  and 
the  wounding  of  Arnold,  Campbell  took  command,  raised  the  block- 
ade, retired  to  Montreal,  leaving  all  his  cannon,  stores  and  sick 
behind.  This  offended  Congress  and  he  was  never  afterwards  em- 
ployed. He  retired  to  the  country,  where  he  lived  indigent,  neglected 
and  forlorn.  His  brothers,  who  had  also  been  in  the  Seven  Years 
War,. remained  loyal. 

Treasurer   1756-61. 

In  1756  at  house  next  the  Merchants  Coffee  House,  where  he  did 
a  general  business  and  became  known  in  later  years  as  a  Wine  Mer- 
chant. In  1764  one  of  the  Trustees  to  give  title  to  the  lands  granted 
to  the  Campbell  emigrants.  In  1766  his  store  was  on  "Crommelin's 
Wharf  back  of  Judge  Livingston's"  and  his  advertisement  says  that 

1756]  st.  Andrew's  society.  3 

he  proposes  to  go  out  of  business.  He  probably  moved  to  the  country, 
for  his  name  does  not  appear  in  the  press  again  as  late  as  1780.  In 
1785  he  contributed  £4  to  the  proposed  Saint  Andrew's  Hall. 


His  official  record  is  as  follows:  Ensign  62nd  Regiment,  Jan- 
uary 7,  1756;  Lieut.  60th  Regiment,  May  7,  1757;  and  again  in  same 
regiment  with  the  same  rank  of  Lieut.,  May  8,  1764. 


Manager    1756-59;   Vice-President   1759-64;   President   1764-66. 

(See  Morrison's  History.) 

Manager  1759-60. 

In  1750  had  a  store  in  King  Street;  on  December  28,  1755,  the 
firm  of  Aspinwall  and  Doughty,  in  the  woolen  business,  terminated, 
and  Thomas  continued  in  business,  keeping  a  miscellaneous  line  of 
goods,  and  located  in  Queen  Street.  In  1759  he  removed  to  Dock 
Street  betwixt  the  Slip  and  Coenties  Market,  and  the  character  of 
his  business  had  changed  to  fine  groceries,  wines,  etc.  In  1775  he 
proposes  moving  to  the  country  and  everything  is  offered  for  sale, 
even  his  furniture.  He  probably  left  the  country  and  remained  away 
during  the  Revolution,  but  returned,  for  Dr.  Francis  tells  of  a 
Thomas  Doughty  who  was  one  of  those  who  repaired  to  Dr.  Hosack's 
Elgin  Botanical  Garden  to  study  Botany. 

4  ROSTER.  [1756 


Surgeon  of  the  4th  Battalion  of  the  60th  Royal  American  Regi- 
ment,   lie  had  a  house  in  Beaver  Street. 


John  Duncan  was  born  in  Scotland  and  came  out  to  Schenectady 
in  I755-  He  was  possessed  of  a  good  capital  and  opened  an  exten- 
sive mercantile  establishment.  He  was  the  pioneer  of  a  new  style  of 
merchants  and  a  new  mode  of  trade  at  Schenectady.  Soon1  after  locat- 
ing he  formed  a  partnership  with  James  Phyn  of  London  (also  a 
member)  and  they  became  extensive  wholesale  and  retail  merchants 
and  forwarders,  extending  their  business  far  and  wide  over  the  lakes, 
and  after  1759  dealing  largely  and  directly  with  Montreal.  Duncan 
took  care  of  the  business  in  Schenectady  while  Phyn,  his  partner, 
attended  to  the  business  abroad  and  at  Montreal.  They  both  became 
exceedingly  rich,  for  that  day,  and  retired  from  business.  Duncan 
built  a  country  seat  called  "The  Hermitage."  He  was  first  Recorder 
of  Schenectady,  and  in  1763  Justice  of  the  Peace;  in  1773  Sixth 
Judge  of  Albany  County,  and  in  1774  he  attended  the  Congress  of 
the  Six  Nations,  which  met  after  the  death  of  Col.  Johnson.  During 
the  Revolution  he  remained  loyal  to  the  Crown.  In  1785  he  sub- 
scribed, by  William  Malcom,  £10  towards  Saint  Andrew's  Hall.  He 
died  at  the  Hermitage  May  5,  1791,  aged  69  years,  much  esteemed 
for  generous  hospitality  and  unostentatious  benevolence.  From 
Saunders'  "Early  History  of  Schenectady."  In  the  List  of  Members 
of  Saint  Andrew's  Society  which  appears  in  the  first  City  Directory 
of  1786  he  is  styled  Capt.  John  Duncan. 


The  first  notice  of  James  Duthie  which  I  have  found  appears  in 
the  New  York  Post  Boy  of  May  25,  1761,  and  is  somewhat  of  a 
curiosity.    "To  Be  Sold,  at  Duthie's  London  Peruke  Ware-House  at 

1756]  st.  Andrew's  society.  5 

White-Hall  all  Sorts  of  Perukes  ready  made,  of  the  newest  fashions, 
at  the  lowest  prices  that  can  be  afforded  by  any  one  of  the  Business, 
that  does  Justice  to  his  Customers,  and  warranted  to  be  as  good 
Work,  and  made  of  as  good  hairs  as  any  in  America.  Also  Ladies 
Teats,  Bandos  for  the  Hair,  and  Bags  of  the  newest  Fashion, 
Roaseats  and  Ramellees,  hard  and  soft  Pomatum,  false  Oues,  and 
many  other  articles  necessary  in  that  way.  By  their  Humble  Ser- 
vant James  Duthie."  In  1762  he  moved  to  Golden  Hill  "at  the  sign 
of  the  Golden  Pot"  and  changed  his  business  to  Wines.  Spirits  and 

Manager  1756-57.     Vice-President  1757-58. 

In  1759  in  Smith  Street,  Foot  of  Pot  Baker's  Hill.  m.  Jane,  dau. 
of  Cadwallader  Golden  same  year.  "A  very  worthy  good  Scotsman, 
distinguished  for  his  knowledge  and  abilities."    d.  May,  1787. 


Lieut.  60th  Royal  Americans  December  31,   1755;   Capt. -Lieut. 
March  22,  1757;  k.  at  Ticonderoga. 


In  1742  on  the  Roll  of  Freemen ;  1750  store  in  Smith  Street,  sold 
European  Goods ;  1756  house  "next  the  corner,  near  the  Exchange"  ; 
1757  made  an  assignment  to  James  Sackett  and  in  same  year  died. 


A  native  of  Scotland.  Appears  on  our  records  as  Ennis  Graham ; 
in  1753  advertised  as  "^neas,"  but  afterwards  assumed  the  name  of 
Ennis;  in    1748  house  in   Smith   Street,   where  he   sold  European 

6  ROSTER.  [T756 

Goods;  1755  advertised  as  "Taylor,  in  Broad  Street,  near  the  Ex- 
change opposite  Post  Boy  office";  176 1  haberdasher  as  well  as 
tailor  ;  1762  moved  to  corner  of  Wall  Street  "facing  the  Meal  Market, 
near  the  Coffee  House"  where  he  remained  for  many  years;  in  1773 
he  was  still  in  Wall  Street  "facing  Mr.  Rivington's  New  Printing 
Office."    Retired  to  Middlesex  Co.,  N.  J.    d.  1777. 


Ensign  62nd  Regiment  Royal   Americans  Jan.  4,    1756;  Lieut. 
60th,  Dec.  11,  1756;  Ensign  May  24,  1758. 

Presumably  a  lawyer.    Found  as  witness  to  several  wills. 


Captain  Royal  Artillery  April  2,  1757;  Major  in  the  army  July  23, 
1772.     Lieut. -Colonel  by  brevet  Aug.  29,  1777. 

(This  name  appears  on  our  Roll  as  Joseph  Innes.) 


Manager  1756-59;  Vice-Pres.  1772-74;  Pres.  1774-75;  1784-85. 
(See  Morrison's  History.) 

*  It  is  probable  that  this  member's  Christian  name  was  written  Jno  and 
deciphered  Jos,  but  as  a  mistake  was  made  in  the  name  of  his  brother  officer, 
Lieut.  Buchanan,  it  is  a  fair  presumption  that  both  officers  were  not  intimately 
known   to   secretary. 

t  David  Johnston  was  descended  from  Dr.  John  Johnstone  of  Edinburgh,  b. 
1661,  came  to  New  York  in  1685  and  removed  thence  to  Perth  Amboy,  where  he 
practised  medicine  until  his  death  in  1732.     His  son  John   (b.   1691,  d.   1732) 

1756]  st.  Andrew's  society.  7 

Manager  1762-63. 

There  was  a  firm  of  Kennedy  and  Dunlap  whose  partnership  ex- 
pired on  May  1,  1756.  At  the  time  of  his  death  he  was  said  to  be  of 
Boston  and  late  of  St.  Eustachius,  W.  I.  He  was  a  brother  of  Archi- 
bald Kennedy  of  New  York  and  Walter  Kennedy  of  Surinam,  and, 
therefore,  uncle  of  the  future  Earl  of  Cassilis.  His  will  was  proved 
on  oath  of  John  Ross,  a  fellow  member  of  the  Society.  In  the 
Mercury,  Aug.  22,  1763,  appears  the  following  notice,  "a  Passage 
Boat  crossing  to  Wright's  Ferry  was  caught  in  a  squall  and  upset 
and  Mr.  Robert  Kennedy  and  Mr.  Morison  (Scotch  Gentlemen  of 
great  Merit  and  Fortune")  ....  and  Mr.  David  Gemmel  were 
drowned."  Mr.  Kennedy  was  buried  at  Richmond  Church,  Staten 


Son  of  Philip,  2nd  Lord  of  the  Manor;  educated  at  Yale;  in  1754 
in  Broad  Street  in  the  Hardware  and  Coal  business ;  in  1756  near 
the  Whitehall  Slip,  storehouse  being  in  Duke  Street;  in  1761  in 
partnership  with  Alexander  as  John  &  Alexander  Livingston,  store 
being  in  Rotten  Row  near  the  Old  Slip  and  the  business  Dry  Goods ; 
this  same  year  removed  to  south  side  of  Queen  Street,    d.  1786. 


First  President  of  the  Society  1756-57. 

Signer  of  the  Declaration  of  Independence. 

(See  Morrison's  History.) 

married  Elizabeth  Jamieson,  and  David  was  their  third  child.  Colonel  John, 
given  in  Morrison's  History  as  David's  father,  was  his  elder  brother  and  was 
a  Colonel  of  Provincial  forces  and  was  not  in  the  British  army.  The  story  that 
David  was  the  true  heir  to  the  Marquisate  of  Annandale  could  hardly  be  true, 
as  there  were  several  lives  between  him  and  the  succession,  descendants  of  his 
grandfather,  Dr.  John. 

8  ROSTER.  [11756 



Son  of  Philip,  2nd  Lord  of  the  Manor;  b.  Albany,  N.  Y.,  Novem- 
ber 30,  1723;  d.  Elizabethtown,  N.  J.,  July  25,  1790;  graduated  Yale 
1741 ;  began  the  study  of  law  in  the  office  of  James  Alexander,  com- 
pleting his  course  under  William  Smith  ;  admitted  to  the  Bar  Octo- 
ber, 1748,  and  soon  became  one  of  the  leaders  of  his  profession; 
served  three  years  in  the  legislature;  in  1772  removed  to  "Liberty 
Hall"  at  Elizabethtown,  which  had  an  eventful  history  during  the 
Revolutionary  War  and  more  than  one  attempt  to  burn  it  was  made, 
the  stairs  still  showing  the  cuts  that  were  made  by  the  Hessians 
when  baffled  in  their  attempt  to  capture  the  owner;  served  for  a 
time  in  Congress ;  in  June,  1776,  he  assumed  the  duties  of  Brigadier- 
General  and  Commander-in-Chief  of  the  New  Jersey  Militia ;  in 
August  he  was  elected  first  Governor  of  the  State  of  New  Jersey. 
During  the  occupancy  of  New  Jersey  by  the  British  troops  he  filled 
his  office  with  great  efficiency,  as  is  shown  by  Washington's  writ- 
ings.—  (Appleton.)  While  in  New  York  he  lived  at  52  Wall  Street. 
He  and  John  Morin  Scott  were  known  as  the  Presbyterian  lawyers. 
In  1752  he  started  a  paper  called  the  "Independent  Reflector."  He 
was  known  as  "The  Itinerant  Dey  of  New  Jersey,"  "The  Knight 
of  the  most  honourable  Order  of  Starvation  and  Chief  of  the  Inde- 
pendents," and  "The  Don  Quixote  of  the  Jerseys" ;  on  account  of 
his  being  very  tall  and  thin  a  female  wit  dubbed  him  "The  Whipping 


Mariner;  probably  son  of  William  Louttit  who  advertised  in  1750 
as  "Teacher  of  Navigation,"  and  lived  "in  the  swamp." 


In  1759  Master  of  the  brig  "Polly"  and  traded  between  New 
York,  South  Carolina  and  Ireland.  In  July  of  that  year  arrived  in 
Charleston   and   reported  that  on  his   passage   from   Charleston   to 

1756]  st.  Andrew's  society.  9 

Jamaica  he  had  been  captured  off  Port  Morant  by  two  French 
privateers  from  Port-au-Prince,  but  that  same  evening  he  recovered 
his  vessel  from  the  French  by  "a  singular  Act  of  Bravery." — N.  Y. 
Mercury.  In  1771  he  had  a  new  vessel  the  Ship  "St.  George."  In 
the  Mercury,  1777,  appears  the  following  item : — "Capt.  McAlpine 
a  brave  and  hearty  Friend  to  his  King  and  Country  was  some  time 
ago  confined  to  the  Gaol  at  Poughkeepsie  on  suspicion  of  enlisting 
Men  for  His  Majesty's  Service.     His  friends  rescued  him." 


Son  of  Alexander  who  had  emigrated  from  Ireland  in  1731  and 
settled  for  a  time  at  Fag's  Manor,  Chester  County,  Pennsylvania, 
where  John  was  born  Feb.  20,  1734.  The  family  originally  came 
from  Argyleshire.  John  graduated  at  Princeton  and  thereafter 
practised  law  in  this  city.  He  seems  to  have  been  associated  with 
John  Morin  Scott,  as  both  are  frequently  witnesses  on  the  same 
wills.  On  June  17,  1768,  he  is  entered  on  the  Roll  of  Freemen  as 
"Gentleman  and  Attorney-at-Law."  In  the  Clinton  Papers,  Vol.  I, 
p.  196,  the  following  appears: — "John  McKesson  was  one  of  the 
most  active  Americans  in  the  State  of  New  York  during  the  Revo- 
lutionary War.  His  relations  with  the  leaders  were  close  and 
intimate.  He  was  appointed  Secretary  of  the  Provincial  Convention 
which  met  in  New  York  the  20th  of  April,  1775,  for  the  purpose  of 
choosing  delegates  to  represent  the  colony  in  the  Continental  Con- 
gress, and  subsequently  acted  as  Secretary  to  the  Council  of  Safety. 
July  31,  1776,  he  was  appointed  by  the  Provincial  Convention, 
Register  in  Chancery,  which  position  he  held  for  a  number  of  years. 
He  acted  as  one  of  the  Secretaries  to  the  State  Convention  which 
was  called  to  ratify  the  Federal  Constitution.  He  was  the  first 
Clerk  of  the  Assembly  of  New  York  which  convened  Sept.  1,  1777, 
and  held  the  position  continuously  until  1794."  He  died  of  yellow 
fever  Sept.  18,  1798,  unmarried. 

(This  name  appears  on  Roll  as  McGuson.) 

IO  ROSTER.  [J756 



General  Allan  Maclean,  Torloisk,  Island  of  Mull,  was  born  there 
in  1725,  and  began  his  military  career  in  the  service  of  Holland,  in 
the  Scots  Brigade.  At  the  siege  of  Bergen-op-Zoom,  in  1747,  a 
portion  of  his  brigade  cut  its  way  with  great  loss  through  the 
French.  On  January  8,  1756,  Allan  became  lieutenant  in  the  62nd 
Regiment  and  in  1758  was  severely  wounded  at  Ticonderoga.  He 
became  captain  of  an  independent  company  January  16,  1759,  and 
was  present  at  the  surrender  of  Niagara,  where  he  was  again  danger- 
ously wounded.  Returning  to  Great  Britain,  he  raised  the  114th 
foot  or  Royal  Highland  Volunteers,  of  which  he  was  appointed 
major  commandant  October  18,  1761.  The  regiment  being  reduced 
in  1763,  Major  McLean  went  on  half-pay.  He  became  lieutenant- 
colonel  May  25,  1772,  and  early  in  1775  devised  a  colonization 
scheme  which  brought  him  to  America,  landing  in  New  York  in 
that  year.  At  the  outbreak  of  the  Revolution  he  identified  himself 
with  the  royalist  side  and  was  arrested  in  New  York ;  was  released 
on  denying  he  was  taking  a  part  in  the  dispute ;  thence  went  to  the 
Mohawk  and  on  to  Canada,  where  he  began  to  organize  a  corps, 
which  became  the  nucleus  of  the  Royal  Highland  Emigrants.  Of 
this  regiment  Major  Allan  was  appointed  lieutenant-colonel  of  the 
first  battalion  which  he  had  raised.  Quebec  might  have  fallen  into  the 
hands  of  General  Arnold  had  not  Colonel  McLean  suddenly  precipi- 
tated himself  with  a  part  of  his  corps  into  the  beleagured  city.  In 
1776,  Colonel  McLean  was  appointed  adjutant-general  of  the  army, 
which  he  held  until  1777,  when  he  became  brigadier-general,  and 
placed  in  command  at  Montreal,  and  in  November  was  ordered  to 
Quebec.  He  left  Quebec  for  England  in  July,  1776,  in  order  to 
obtain  rank  and  establishment  for  his  regiment,  which  had  been 
promised.  He  returned  to  Canada  and  in  1778  he  again  went  to 
England  and  made  a  personal  appeal  to  the  King  in  behalf  of  his 
regiment,  which  proved  successful.  August.  1779,  saw  him  again 
in  Quebec.  He  became  colonel  in  the  army  November  17,  1780,  and 
in  the  winter  of  1782  had  command  from  the  ports  at  Oswegatchie 
to  Michilimackinac.  Soon  after  the  peace  of  1783,  General  McLean 
retired  from  the  service  and  died  in  London  in  March,  1797.  From 
Maclean's  "Highlanders  in  America." 

1756]  st.  Andrew's  society.  ii 

john  McQueen. 

In  1750  Staymaker  near  the  Meal  Market ;  in  1765  near  the 
Mayor's  in  Smith  Street  at  the  "Sign  of  the  White  Stays" ;  in  1773 
in  Queen  Street.    Dead  in  1784. 


Manager  1757-62;  1763-4;  1 773-75 ;  Vice-Pres.  1764-66; 

Pres.  1767-70. 

(See  Morrison's  History.) 


One  of  the  most  noted  captains  in  the  London  trade ;  in  1753 
in  command  of  the  brig  "Maria" ;  in  1756  advertised  the  sale  of 
European  and  Indian  Goods  at  the  house  of  Daniel  Wright  near  the 
Meal  Market;  m.  October  13  Patty,  dau.  of  Thomas  Willet; 
he  is  next  found  in  King  Street;  in  1760  advertises  a  cargo  of 
African  slaves  for  sale;  in  1769  at  sea  again  in  the  ship  "Britannia" 
for  London,  and  the  following  year  in  the  month  of  May,  "six  weeks 
from  the  Downs,"  he  "brought  over  the  statues  of  His  Majesty  and 
Mr.  Pitt"  which  had  been  ordered  by  the  Assembly  of  the  Colony  in 
gratitude  for  the  repeal  of  the  Stamp  Act.  In  1769  he  was  elected  a 
member  of  the  Chamber  of  Commerce  and  in  1773  a  member  of  the 
Marine  Society.  He  remained  loyal  to  the  Crown,  and  in  1776  was 
an  addressor  of  Lord  Howe,  and  sailed  for  England  with  his  family 
in  the  fleet  which  took  over  Governor  Tryon  in  September,  1780. 


In  1750  Druggist  at  Beaver  Street;  in  1755  styled  doctor;  in 
1756  advertises  "drugs  and  medicines  in  general  both  Chymical  and 
Galenical,  neat  as  imported,"  besides  "Turlington's  Balsam  of  Life," 
in  which  he  seems  to  have  set  great  store;  in   1759  he  "declines 

12  ROSTER.  [1756 

business,"  but  later  in  the  year  he  advertises  "Wholesale  business 
only";  in  1761  "At  the  Woman's  Shoe  Store  in  Beaver  Street"  and 
adds  "Practitioner  in  Surgery  and  Physick."  His  business  was 
somewhat  general  in  its  character. 

Secretary  1757-58;  Manager  1760-61. 

In  1750  he  is  found  "near  the  Fly-Market"  in  the  ship-chandlery 
business;  in  1758  his  store  is  on  the  "Wharf  between  the  Ferry 
Stairs  and  Burlings  Slip" ;  in  1761  he  advertises  that  he  is  going  to 
the  country  and  has  taken  in  David  Milligan  as  a  partner  under  the 
style  of  Morison  &  Milligan;  in  1762  he  had  retired  altogether, 
Milligan  carrying  on  the  business  under  his  own  name ;  Morison 
belonged  to  the  Masonic  fraternity.  He  was  drowned  along  with 
Robert  Kennedy  and  David  Gemmel,  Aug.  22,  1763. 


Secretary  1756-57;  1758-61. 

b.  New  York,  August  15,  1730,  third  son  of  Lewis  and  Katrintje 
(Staats)  Morris  and  a  grandson  of  Lewis  Morris,  Chief  Justice  of 
New  Jersey  and  New  York.  He  graduated  at  Yale  in  1748  and 
took  up  the  study  of  law.  He  was  admitted  to  the  Bar  and  soon 
became  known  for  his  legal  learning.  In  1762  he  was  made  a  judge 
of  the  vice-admiralty,  resigning  later  to  take  up  the  cause  of  the 
people  against  the  Crown.  In  1776  he  was  made  judge  of  the  High 
Court  of  Admiralty  of  New  York  but  declined  the  office.  Two 
years  afterwards  he  was  elected  to  the  State  Senate,  and  in  1779 
became  Chief  Justice  of  the  Supreme  Court  of  New  York,  an  office 
he  held  for  one  year.  He  was  a  member  of  the  State  Convention 
which  ratified  the  Federal  Constitution  in  1788,  and  in  1790  he  re- 
tired to  his  estate  at  Scarsdale,  Westchester  County,  New  York, 
where  he  passed  the  remainder  of  his  life.  He  died  in  1810. — Na- 
tional Cyclopedia  of  Biography. 

1756]  st.  Andrew's  society.  13 

Manager  1756-61. 

In  1756  at  "The  Sign  of  the  Bell,  near  the  Merchants  Coffee 
House,  opposite  the  Meal  Market,"  where  he  did  business  as  a 
"Druggist  and  Wholesale  Apothecary."  In  March  he  advertises  for 
old  linen  for  the  King's  Hospital.  In  1763  removed  to  the  upper 
corner  of  the  Fly-Market.  He  was  succeeded  by  William  Steuart 
and  d.  June,  1769. 


Gazetted  December  3,  1755,  Lieutenant  in  the  62nd  Royal  Ameri- 
can Regiment. 

Manager  1762-63. 

In  1763  General  Merchant  doing  business  "opposite  upper  end  of 


In  1743  Captain  of  an  Independent  Company.  On  January  14, 
1744,  he  was  sworn  a  member  of  His  Majesty's  Council  of  New 
York,  much  to  the  chagrin  of  Governor  Clinton,  who  tried  to  have 
the  appointment  revoked  but  did  not  succeed.  Rutherford  was  a 
man  of  rank  and  learning.  In  1745  he  attended  a  Conference  at 
Albany  with  the  Indians.  In  1754  he  and  Staats  Long  Morris  were 
sent  to  England  to  lay  before  the  ministry  a  plan  of  attack  on 
Ticonderoga.  Philip  Livingston  and  he  were  personal  foes.  In  1755 
he  served  in  Sir  Peter  Halkett's  Brigade,  in  Braddock's  Campaign. 
In  1756  was  appointed  Major  in  the  3rd  Battalion  of  the  60th  Royal 
American  Regiment.  He  was  killed  in  the  attack  on  Ticonderoga 
July  8,  1758. 


ROSTER.  [J756 


Manager  1761-66;  1st  Vice-President  1785-87; 
President  1766-67;  1792-98. 

(See  Morrison's  History.) 

(1 730-1784) 

President  1758-59. 
(See  Morrison's  History.) 

Vice-President   1756-57;  President   1757-58. 

(See  Morrison's  History.) 


In  the  Post  Boy  of  October  9,  1758,  he  advertises  Snuff  and 
robacco  of  his  own  manufacture,  wholesale  and  retail,  "two  doors 
from  the  Merchants  Coffee  House";  by  1761  he  had  become  an  ex- 
tensive manufacturer;  in  1763  had  a  store  in  Rotten  Row,  where  he 
had  added  ship-chandlery,  wholesale  and  retail,  to  his  snuff  and 
tobacco  business ;  in  same  year  acted  as  executor  of  Robert  Ken- 
nedy; in  1764  he  moved  to  "New  Rochel,"  leaving  William  Malcom 
as  his  agent;  in  1767  he  became  insolvent  and  all  his  effects  were 
sold  "on  the  Bridge"  at  the  Merchants  Coffee  House;  in  1769  he 
removes  back  to  "the  Snuff  Mills  in  the  Bowery  Lane"  and  appeals 
to  the  patriotism  of  Americans  to  patronize  the  home-made  article ; 
in  1771  he  appeals  to  the  pocket  as  well  as  to  local  pride;  in  1772 

1756]  st.  Andrew's  society.  15 

Snuff  Mill  advertised  for  sale  and  described  as  "near  the  Bulls  Head 
Tavern  in  the  outward" ;  later  in  the  year  he  is  still  in  business,  but 
has  added  "all  kinds  of  grain,  ginger,  etc.,  everything  that  can  be 
manufactured  in  a  grist  mill."    d.  1779. 



On  retiring  from  the  navy  he  settled  at  Jamaica,  L.  I.,  and 
entered  into  business  in  New  York.  In  1750  he  was  at  Hanover 
Square  in  the  hardware  business.  During  the  French  War  he  was 
the  agent  of  Robert  Troup,  probably  his  brother,  and  a  famous 
privateersman.  He  seems  to  have  acted  a  great  deal  in  a  fiduciary 
capacity.  He  died  at  Jamaica  Feb.  21,  1775,  aged  70  years,  "a 
gentleman  universally  beloved  and  much  lamented." 


Came  from  Dover,  England.  In  1748  he  was  Captain  of  the 
"Oswego,"  trading  to  London,  while  in  September  of  that  year  he 
transferred  his  command  to  his  new  ship  "Dover,"  which  he  had 
built  in  the  East  River  at  the  foot  of  Dover  Street,  the  street  taking 
its  name  from  the  ship.  His  store  was  in  King  Street  as  early  as 
1748,  where  he  dealt  in  European  and  India  Goods.  In  175')  he 
moved  to  Dock  Street.  He  was  one  of  the  first  subscribers  to  the 
New  York  Society  Library,  and  his  wife,  the  only  female,  whose 
name  appeared  in  the  document  of  incorporation  granted  by  George 
III.  He  was  one  of  the  original  33  members  of  the  Masonic  Society 
of  the  City  of  New  York.    Died  in  1762. 


In  the  European  trade,  being  master  of  several  vessels.     Have 
found  no  evidence  that  he  left  the  sea  for  business. 

1 6  ROSTER.  [1756 


Son  of  the  preceding.  He  also  was  engaged  in  the  European  and 
West  Indian  trade  and  commanded  several  vessels.  In  1785  he  con- 
tributed to  Saint  Andrew's  Hall  Fund  £3.4.0,  and  when  money  was 
returned  it  was  receipted  for  by  Robert  Hyslop.  In  1793  his  ad- 
dress was  No.  6  Green  Street,  then  very  much  in  the  country,  show- 
ing that  he  had  probably  retired  from  business.  On  November  7, 
1774,  he  became  a  member  of  the  Marine  Society. 



Vice-Pres.   1770-71 ;  President  1771-72. 

(See  Morrison's  History.) 


In  1750  was  an  apothecary  in  New  Brunswick,  and  advertises 
that  his  shop  and  drugs  are  for  sale.  As  New  Brunswick  was  a 
military  station,  he  was  probably  an  ex-army  surgeon.  In  1752  he 
advertises  for  pupils  to  a  course  of  lectures  on  Osteology  and 
Myology,  £6  for  the  course,  and  adds  that  with  proper  encourage- 
ment he  will  give  other  courses,  including  dissecting.  By  1756  he 
may  have  moved  into  New  York,  but  no  further  trace  of  him  has 
yet  been  found. 

757]  st.  Andrew's  society.  17 


Manager  1763-66. 

In  1752  Captain  of  the  snow  "Albany"  in  the  London  trade.  In 
1757  in  command  of  the  privateer  brigantine  "Hawke,"  of  twelve 
guns.  The  firm  of  John  Alexander  &  Co.  did  business  at  the  corner 
of  Smith  and  King  Streets,  "opposite  Mr.  Philip  Philipse,"  where, 
among  other  things,  they  sold  "Herrings,  Barley,  Delftware,  carpets. 
Tartans  or  plaids";  in  1761  they  moved  opposite  Donald  Morison, 
"betwixt  the  Fly  and  P«urling's  Slip,"  and  were  shipping  agents  as 
well  as  merchants;  in  1766  they  made  an  assignment  for  the  benefit 
of  their  creditors.  In  1777  he  became  a  member  of  the  Marine 


Ship  Captain  and  wine  merchant.  In  1750  he  was  master  of  the 
"Good  Intent,"  for  St.  Christophers;  1758,  "next  door  to  Mr.  James 
Livingston  in  Smith  Street,"  where  he  can  be  traced  as  late  as  1766. 
In  1770  he  became  a  member  of  the  Marine  Society,  and  in  July, 
1774,  he  died  at  Hispaniola,  "leaving  a  widow  and  a  very  numerous 
family  of  young  children." 


Lieut,  in  78th,  Fraser's  Highlanders,  Jan.  23,  1757;  Capt.  78th, 
Fraser's  Highlanders,  April  29,  1760. 

Lieutenant  60th  Royal  American  Regiment,  Jan.  30,  1756. 

l8  ROSTER.  [  1757 


Probably  the  son  of  Malcolm  Campbell  our  first  Treasurer.  In 
1758  collected  payment  for  all  goods  at  Lord  Loudoun's  sale  of  his 
effects;  in  1759  had  store  in  Smith  Street  and  in  1760  had  moved 
to  store  "by  the  Royal  Exchange."  In  1761  Malcolm  Campbell 
notified  the  public  of  the  death  of  John  and  requested  payment  of 
outstanding  debts. 


Jan.    17,    1756,   Ensign  62nd  Royal  Americans;   Mar.  23,   1758, 
Lieut.  60th  Royal  Americans ;  Apr.  27,  1762,  Captain. 



Became  Captain  in  60th  Royal  Americans,  1st  Battalion,  Jan.  15, 
1756;  Major  in  the  army,  while  he  was  stationed  at  Crown  Point 
in  1772,  and  is  referred  to  by  the  N.  Y.  Mercury  as  "a  very  respect- 
able veteran"  and  "hopes  he  will  get  the  vacant  majority  in  the 
regiment."  He  did  not,  however,  another  receiving  it;  appointed 
Major  of  the  69th  Regiment  Aug.  14,  1773;  promoted  to  be  Lieu- 
tenant-Colonel of  the  58th  Regiment,  then  stationed  at  Gibraltar, 
June  24,  1777;  became  Colonel  in  the  army  Nov.  20,  1782,  and  died 
in  the  Spring  of  1786.    Colonial  Documents,  Vol.  X. 



Twenty-first  laird  of  Craufurdland,  Ayrshire;  b.  1721  ;  entered 
army  as  cornet  in  the  North  British  Dragoons  in  1741  ;  distinguished 
himself  at  Dettingen  in  1743  and  Fontenoy  in  1745;  in  August,  1746, 

1757]  ST-  Andrew's  society.  19 

accompanied  his  friend,  the  Earl  of  Kilmarnock,  to  the  scaffold  on 
Tower  Hill,  for  which  act  of  friendship  his  name,  it  was  said,  was 
placed  at  the  bottom  of  the  army  list.  He  served  in  the  French  and 
Indian  War  as  Captain  in  the  78th  Fraser's  Highlanders  and  was 
present  at  the  capture  of  Quebec  in  1759.  Returned  to  England  the 
following  year;  obtained  command  of  the  115th  Foot  in  1761 ;  pro- 
moted lieutenant-colonel  in  1772.  In  1761  he  was  appointed  His 
Majesty's  Falconer  for  Scotland,  and  in  1762  received  the  freedom 
of  the  City  of  Perth.  He  died  unmarried  in  February,  1793.  Diet. 
Nat.  B'iog. 

(He  appears  on  our  Roll  as  John  Crawford.) 


Of  the  Carnwath  family;  Lieut.  62nd  Royal  Americans  Jan.  15, 
1756;  Captain  80th  Regiment  Dec.  28,  1757;  Captain  1st  Royals, 
2nd  Battalion,  Sept.  13,  1760.  Attempted  to  surprise  Pontiac's 
camp  at  Presque  Isle  and  was  killed  Aug.  8,  1763. 


Entered  the  army  as  Ensign  of  the  27th  Foot  Nov.  22,  1756; 
wounded  at  Ticonderoga;  promoted  to  a  Lieutenancy  Aug.  2,  1759; 
exchanged  into  the  1st  Royals  Feb.  14,  1760,  and  dropped  in  1771. 
Honorary  member  of  the  Marine  Society. 

Ensign  60th  Regiment,  Dec.  n,  1756;  Lieut.,  Apr.  14,  1758. 



Simon  Fraser,  Master  of  Lovat,  was  born  in  1726;  educated  at 
St.  Andrews  University ;  sent  by  Lord  Lovat  with  part  of  the  clan 


ROSTER.  [  1757 

to  join  Prince  Charlie.  The  depositions  printed  in  the  Nezv  Spald- 
ing Club's  Historical  Papers  show  that  he  was  at  Perth  at  Christmas, 
1745,  and  in  Stirling  in  January.  1746.  Mr.  Alexander  Mackenzie, 
the  Fraser  historian,  says  he  was  present  at  Culloden.  Mr.  Lang 
states  that  the  Master  of  Lovat  came  up  too  late  for  the  battle. 
He  was  attainted  by  Act  of  Parliament  on  4th  June,  1746,  sur- 
rendered on  2nd  August,  and  imprisoned  in  Edinburgh  till  August, 
1747;  was  released  about  that  date,  and  went  to  Glasgow,  as  the 
Lovat  estates  had  been  forfeited:  called  to  the  Scottish  bar  in  1750; 
one  of  the  Crown  counsel  at  the  trial  of  James  Stewart  for  the 
murder  of  Campbell  of  Glenure  in  1752.  Soon  afterwards  he 
entered  the  army,  raised  the  Fraser  regiment  in  1757,  and  became 
lieutenant-colonel ;  fought  at  Louisburg  under  Wolfe ;  present  at 
both  battles  of  Quebec,  and  commanded  the  left  wing  at  the  latter; 
elected  M.  P.  for  Inverness-shire  in  1761,  but  soon  saw  active  ser- 
vice in  Portugal  and  became  a  major-general ;  Lovat  estates  were 
restored  to  him  in  1774:  in  September,  1776,  he  was  elected  a  Town 
Councillor  of  Nairn  and  continued  as  such  till  his  death ;  died  a 
lieutenant-general  on  Feb.  8,  1782 ;  figures  in  Robert  Louis  Steven- 
son's "Catriona,"  where  his  character  is  portrayed  in  a  way  that 
gave  just  offence  to  Highlanders. — From  David  M.  Mackay's  "Trial 
of  Lord  Lovat." 

(This  appeared  under  date  1756,  which  was  incorrect.) 


Third  son  of  Charles  Fraser,  7th  of  Inverallochy,  b.  May  26, 
1732.  He  joined  General  Simon  Fraser  in  1757,  when  he  raised  the 
Fraser  Highlanders,  was  appointed  senior  Captain,  was  mortally 
wounded  on  the  Fleights  of  Abraham,  and  died  at  Quebec  on  Oct.  15, 
1759,  unmarried.  His  brother  Charles  was  brutally  murdered  on 
the  Field  of  Culloden  by  orders  of  the  "Butcher." 

Of  the  78th,  Fraser's  Highlanders.    Wounded  at  Quebec,  1759. 

1757]  ST-  Andrew's  society.  21 

Lieut.  62nd  Regiment  Feb.  1,  1756. 


Lieut.  62nd  Regiment,  Second  Battalion,  Royal  Americans,  Jan.  1, 
J756;  Captain  60th,  Jan.  1,  1756. 


In  1756  Captain  of  the  privateer  brig  "Johnson,"  of  twenty-four 
swivels  and  one  hundred  and  twenty  men,  and  in  December  of  that 
year  he  captured,  off  St.  Kitts,  a  large  ship  from  Marseilles  under 
Spanish  colors,  supposed  to  be  French ;  captured  another  French 
ship  of  twenty-four  guns  worth  from  £16,000  to  £18,000;  in  1757 
he  writes  he  was  attacked  by  a  French  privateer  off  the  Island  of 
Grand  Terre  "without  ceremony,"  and  drove  him  off,  but  that  same 
evening  His  Majesty's  sloop  of  war  "Saltash,"  believing  him  to  be 
French,  attacked  him,  killing  and  wounding  some  of  his  men  and 
obliging  him  to  go  to  port  to  refit.  Captain  Grigg  became  a  mem- 
ber of  the  Marine  Society  in  1774. 


In  1762  merchant  in  Smith  Street.    Alderman  of  the  Dock  Ward, 
d.  Sept.  7,  1763. 

JOHN    LOCK,    M.D. 
Surgeon  46th  Regiment  Apr.  20,  1759. 


Originally  an  officer  in  the  Black  Watch  during  the  '45,  and  on 
the  outbreak  of  the  French  war,  on  the  retired  list ;  appointed  Lieut. 

22  ROSTER.  [l757 

62nd  Regiment  Jan.  3,  1756;  Capt. -Lieut.  60th  Regiment  July  23, 
1758;  Captain  July  13,  1761.  His  name  does  not  appear  on  the 
Army  List  for  1763.  While  the  Captain  was  fighting  his  country's 
cause  in  America,  he  was  also  defending  the  interest  of  his  nephew 
Donald,  the  young  chief  of  the  clan,  by  endeavoring  to  retain  the 
ancient  seat  of  Kinchyle  in  the  family,  but  without  success.  Donald 
lost  his  estate  and  was  the  last  of  the  house  of  Kinchyle. 

Manager  1759-60. 

Portrait  painter,  whose  studio  was,  in  1758,  in  Broad  Street  in 
the  house  of  Mr.  Samuel  Deall. 

(His  name  appears  on  the  Roll  as  McElworth.) 


Ensign  62nd  Regiment  Dec.  27,  1755 ;  Lieut.  60th  Regiment 
Dec.  3,  1756;  wounded  at  Ticonderoga.  Subsequently  became  Cap- 
tain and  retired  from  the  army  April  27,  1778. 


Ensign   62nd   Regiment    Dec.    31,    1755;    Lieut.    60th   Regiment 
Dec.  7,  1756. 


"A  prominent  business  man  of  New  York  in   the  lumber  and 
timber  trade." — History  of  Queens  Co. 

1757]  st.  Andrew's  society.  23 


Kept  a  general  store  in  Albany,  New  York,  "living  between  the 
English  and  Dutch  Churches  in  the  Main  Street."  Traded  between 
New  York  and  Ireland  in  the  snow  "Charming  Nancy."  Member 
of  the  Marine  Society  in  1781. 

Ensign  47th  Regiment  Mar.  18,  1758;  Lieut.  Apr.  17,  1759. 

Secretary  1761-64. 

His  advertisement  is  curious,  as  it  gives  one  an  idea  of  the  kind 
of  business  engaged  in  in  those  days.  "Just  imported  in  the  ship 
'Tartar,'  from  Liverpool,  a  fresh  Assortment  of  Goods,  and  to  be 
sold  by  David  Milligan,  at  his  Store  at  the  widow  Smith's,  in  Maiden 
Lane,  for  Cash  or  short  Credit,  viz..  Silver  Watches,  Birmingham 
Sheffield  Hard-ware,  blue  and  white  Delph-ware,  several  sorts  of 
gilt,  plain  and  carv'd  Staffordshire  flint-ware;  shoes  for  gentlemen, 
ladies,  boys,  girls,  and  children ;  strong  shoes  for  Negroes,  fine 
bottled  beer,  silk,  cotton,  thread,  worsted  and  yarn  stockings;  black, 
buff,  crimson  and  scarlet  patterns  for  waistcoats  or  breeches ;  fine 
gold  lac'd  hats,  men  and  boys  plain  ditto,  of  several  sorts,  cotton 
hollands  and  checks,  linnen  checks,  coarse  and  fine ;  Jeans,  pellows, 
thicksetts,  barrogons,  dimities,  diapers,  tablecloths,  double  ticks, 
ginghams,  cotton  gowns,  bunts,  Scotch  check  and  printed  hanker- 
chiefs,  &c.  &c."  In  1761  advertises,  "At  the  Lancashire  Witch  in 
the  Square,"  his  goods  and  household  furniture  for  sale,  "as  he 
intends  to  leave  the  province."  In  1761  enters  into  partnership  with 
Donald  Morison  in  the  Ship  Chandlery  business,  Morison  "going  to 
the  country."  Firm  to  be  Morison  and  Milligan.  In  1762  partner- 
ship advertised  as  "late,"  Milligan  in  charge. 

24  ROSTER.  [  1757 


b.  in  Scotland;  of  the  Munros  of  Fyrish.  In  1760  he  was  engaged 
in  business  in  Albany,  his  house  "facing  the  English  Church,"  where 
he  carried  a  miscellaneous  line  of  goods.  For  several  years  he  was 
very  troublesome  to  the  New  Hampshire  settlers  in  the  disputed 
territory  over  the  boundary  question.  He  resided  in  1770  at  Shaftes- 
bury within  a  few  rods  of  the  New  York  line ;  was  a  Justice  of  the 
Peace.  After  the  year  1772  the  threats  of  the  Green  Mountain  boys 
appear  to  have  kept  him  quiet,  but  on  the  approach  of  Burgoyne  in 
1777  he  joined  the  British  and  his  personal  property  in  Vermont 
was  confiscated.  In  Pearson's  ''First  Settlers  of  Schenectady"  ap- 
pears the  following  "On  the  16th  of  October,  1780,  a  party  of  400 
Regulars  and  Indians  from  Canada,  under  Major  Munro,  a  tory 
from  Schenectady,  made  their  appearance  in  the  Ballston  settlement. 
They  designed  to  attack  Schenectady,  but  returned  without  effecting 
their  object.  They  pillaged  several  houses  and  took  24  prisoners." 
In  1777  he  was  captured  near  Ticonderoga  and  condemned  to  death, 
but  this  sentence  was  not  carried  out  as  in  1786  he  was  in  England 
pressing  his  claims  on  the  Government  for  his  services  and  losses 
as  a  Loyalist.  He  and  his  family  returned  to  Canada  penniless  and 
friendless.  Mrs.  Grant  of  Laggan  says  of  him  "he  was  a  particular 
friend  of  her  father  (Lieut.  McVicar)  and  was  a  worthy  upright 


Director  and  Inspector-General  of  His  Majesty's  Hospitals  in 
North  America.  House  "In  the  Broad-Way,  near  the  Bowling- 
Green, "  in  1764.  Left  for  England  April  20,  1764.  Returned  during 
the  Revolution  and  was  knighted. 

(This  appears  in  the  History  as  John  Napier,  but  in  the  first  publication  in  1823 

it  is  plainly  James.) 

Ensign  60th  Regiment  Dec.  7,  1756;  Lieut.  July  26,  1758. 

1757]  ST-   ANDREW'S   SOCIETY.  25 

b.  Fifeshire,  circa  1720.  He  was  in  his  youth  a  private  and  then 
a  sergeant  in  the  British  army,  and  in  1740  at  Cartagena,  New 
Granada,  gained  an  ensigncy.  He  came  to  the  Colony  in  1756,  being 
appointed  Major  of  the  1st  Battalion  of  the  60th  or  Royal  Americans 
Dec.  1755 ;  in  May,  1758,  was  appointed  by  General  Abercromby 
Deputy  Quarter-Master  General  of  the  army  in  North  America. 
He  accompanied  the  expedition  against  Louisburg  in  1758  and  was 
promoted  to  be  Lieut. -Colonel  in  the  army  July  8,  1758.  In  1759  he 
accompanied  Lord  Amherst  up  Lakes  George  and  Champlain  in 
charge  of  the  Quarter-Master's  Department,  and  on  Oct.  29,  1759, 
was  appointed  Lieutenant-Colonel  of  the  55th  Regiment.  In  Feb., 
1760,  he  exchanged  into  the  15th  Regiment,  which  formed  part  of 
the  expedition  to  Martinique  in  1762,  and  in  1767  he  returned  to 
England.  In  the  following  year  he  exchanged  into  the  16th  Regi- 
ment, which  had  remained  in  America.  In  1772  he  became  Colonel 
in  the  army.  In  July  1775  he  was  stationed  at  Boston,  was  ap- 
pointed Major-General  in  America  Jan.  1,  1776,  and  Colonel  com- 
manding the  60th  Jan.  11  following.  He  accompanied  the  army 
under  Howe  to  Staten  Island,  commanded  the  6th  Brigade  in  the 
engagement  of  the  first  of  August,  and  afterwards  in  the  Battle  of 
Long  Island,  coming  shortly  thereafter  to  New  York  City.  For 
many  years  barrack  master  in  New  York,  in  which  post  he  acquired 
a  fortune.  He  returned  to  England  in  Feb.,  1777,  and  on  Aug.  29  of 
that  year  became  Major-General  in  the  army.  On  May  14,  1778,  he 
was  appointed  Colonel  of  the  16th  Regiment,  and  on  May  4,  1779, 
received  a  commission  as  Governor  of  New  York,  and  was  accord- 
ingly sworn  in  Mar.  23,  1780.  While  Governor  of  New  York  his 
official  title  was  as  follows: — "His  Excellency  James  Robertson, 
Esq.,  Captain-General  and  Governor  in  Chief  of  the  Province  of 
New  York  and  Territories  thereupon  depending  in  America,  Vice- 
Admiral  of  the  same  and  Major-General  of  His  Majesty's  forces." 
He  became  Lieutenant-General  Nov.  20,  1782,  embarked  for  Eng- 
land Apr.  15,  1783,  and  died  there  Mar.  4,  1788. 

Evidently   a   lawyer.     Found   him   as   witness   to  several   wills. 

26  ROSTER.  [1757 


Quarter-Master  General  with  Braddock  and  was  wounded.  He 
was  again  with  Forbes,  in  his  expedition  to  Fort  Duquesne,  who 
says  of  him  "He  is  a  very  odd  man,  and  I  am  sorry  it  has  been  my 
fate  to  have  any  concern  with  him."  Parkman  says  "He  was  ex- 
tremely inefficient  and  Forbes,  out  of  all  patience  with  him,  wrote 
to  Fouquet  'that  'his  only  talent  was  for  throwing  everything  into 
confusion.'  He  found  fault  with  everybody  else,  and  would  dis- 
charge volleys  of  oaths  at  all  who  met  his  disapproval.  From  this 
cause  or  some  other,  Lieutenant-Colonel  Stephen  of  the  Virginians 
told  him  that  he  would  break  his  sword  rather  than  be  longer  under 
his  orders.  'As  I  had  not  sufficient  strength,"  says  St.  Clair  'to 
take  him  by  the  neck  from  among  his  own  men,  I  was  obliged  to  let 
him  have  his  own  way  that  I  might  not  be  the  occasion  of  blood- 
shed." "  In  1756  he  was  stationed  in  New  York  under  Shirley. 
Lieutenant-Colonel  of  the  62nd  Regiment  Jan.  6,  1756;  Colonel 
Feb.  19,  1762;  Lieutenant-Colonel  Mar.  28,  1766.  He  died  and  was 
buried  at  Elizabethtown,  N.  J.,  Nov.  1767. 

(This  appears  on  our  rol!  as  Sinclair.) 



Commissioned  Lieutenant  in  the  4th  Battalion  Royal  Americans 
Feb.  5,  1756,  and  Captain  Nov.  15,  1765.  He  died  or  retired  in  1775 
without  attaining  any  higher  rank.     He  was'  wounded  at  Ticonderoga. 


"Of  the  Province  of  Maryland,  merchant."  While  in  New  York 
in  1759,  "being  at  present  detained  ...  by  business,"  he  drew  a 
codicil  to  his  will  and  had  it  witnessed  by  Major  Clephane  and  Dr. 
Adam  Thomson.  In  1764  this  codicil  was  proved,  showing  that  he 
was  then  dead.    He  spelled  his  name  Wordrop. 

1757]  st.  Andrew's  society.  27 


Have  not  been  able  to  trace  this  man  until  1778,  when  he  was 
Commissary  General  of  Stores  and  Provisions  in  New  York,  but 
believe  that  he  acted  in  some  official  capacity  under  the  Governor. 
While  filling  the  above  office  under  Robertson  he  amassed  a  fortune, 
d.  Nov.  12,  1781,  aged  47  years. 


Surgeon  of  the  43rd  Regiment  Aug.  20,   1751 ;  to  hospital  duty 
Dec.  18,  1762. 

(His  name  appears  on  the  Roll  as  Dr.  Young.) 




Sir  James  Abercromby  was  born  at  Glassbaugh  1706.  Of  a 
wealthy  family;  bought  a  Colonel's  commission  in  1746,  without 
previous  military  experience;  in  1756  was  made  Major-General 
and  sent  to  America  to  take  part  in  the  French  and  Indian  War, 
where  his  career  of  incapacity  did  not  prevent  his  being  made 
Commander-in-Chief  in  1758  after  Lord  Loudoun's  departure;  on 
July  8,  1758,  he  attacked  Fort  Ticonderoga  with  fifteen  thousand 
men,  was  repulsed  with  severe  loss  and  retreated  to  his  entrenched 
camp  south  of  Lake  George.  He  was  superseded  in  September  by 
Sir  Jeffery  Amherst,  but  was  made  Lieutenant-General ;  became  a 
Member  of  Parliament,  and  was  a  foremost  champion  of  George 
Third's  policy  towards  the  Colonies.  In  1772  he  was  made  General. 
He  died  April  28,  1781. 

28  ROSTER.  [I758 


One  of  this  name  was  a  Loyalist  during  the  Revolution  and 
settled  in  St.  John,  and  may  have  been  the  Ensign  of  the  60th 
Regiment  appointed  Dec.  25,  1765.  In  1776  one  of  this  name  was 
Commissary  with  Cornwallis  at  White  Plains,  N.  Y. 


In  an  advertisement  in  the  Post  Boy  of  April  3,  1758,  he  says  of 
himself  that  he  was  of  "Glasgow  from  London."  In  this  same  year 
he  was  entered  on  the  Roll  of  Freemen.  He  describes  his  place  of 
business  as  "his  Store  up  one  pair  of  stairs,  enters  in  at  the  sign  of 
the  Royal  Bed,  in  Dock  Street,  opposite  the  burnt  house,  near 
Countjies  market."  Here  is  a  list  of  some  of  the  articles  he  had 
for  sale,  "Venitians,  tobine  ditto,  rich  bredaws,  figur'd  yard  wide 
pompadours,  missinets,  figur'd  mosaicks,  rich  tobine  irishes,  rich 
embroidered  Intestrings,  rich  half  yard  dresden,  dresden  blashoon, 
barley-corn  yard-wide  figur'd  tammys,  shalloons  of  divers  colors," 
and  after  mentioning  other  goods  in  great  detail  he  says  "and  several 
other  goods  too  tedious  to  mention.   Also  an  assortment  of  Watches." 


Lieutenant  of  the  47th  Regiment  July  2,  1755;  Captain  of  5th 
Division  of  Independent  Companies  October  28,  1760;  Lieutenant 
March  23,  1764. 

(This  appears  on  our  Roll  as  James,  but  was  a  mistake,  the  only  Captain 
Elphinstone  being  John,  as  above.) 



Signer  of  the  Declaration  of  Independence. 

Son  of  Lewis  Morris,  Chief  Justice  of  the  Vice-Admiralty  Court. 
(1698-1762.)      He  was  born  at  Morrisania  in   1726;  graduated  at 

1758]  st.  Andrew's  society.  29 

Yale,  B.A.,  1746;  at  first  devoted  himself  to  the  care  of  his  extensive 
estate,  but  soon  began  to  take  an  active  part  in  public  affairs.  He 
opposed  strongly  the  attempt  of  the  authorities  to  enforce  the  act 
which  required  that  additional  supplies  be  given  to  the  King's  troops, 
on  the  grounds  that  it  was  tyrannical  and  unconstitutional.  After 
the  skirmish  at  Lexington  he  was  chosen  a  delegate  to  the  Congress 
of  1775.  When  in  July  of  1776  he  signed  the  Declaration  of  Inde- 
pendence he  knew  that  his  estate  lay  open  to  spoliation  by  the 
British  and  for  the  following  six  years  his  family  suffered  many 
privations.  Early  in  1777  he  relinquished  his  seat  in  Congress  and 
afterwards  served  as  State  legislator,  and  as  Major-General  of  the 
State  militia.  After  the  war  he  returned  to  agricultural  pursuits 
and  died  at  Morrisania  Jan.  22,  1798. 


Captain  James  Stewart  of  Urrard  in  Perthshire  was  appointed 
to  the  second  battalion  of  the  42nd   Royal   Highlanders   and   was 
wounded  at  Ticonderoga.    He  sold  out  after  the  peace. 
(His  name  appears  on  our  Roll  as  James  Stuart.) 



A  Surgeon  of  the  staff  with  Abercromby  at  Albany  in  1756.  As 
Abercromby  was  in  New  York  in  1759  Adair  probably  accompanied 

Lieutenant  Baillie  of  the  35th  or  Otway's  Regiment. 

30  ROSTER.  [T759 


Second  in  command  of  the  78th,  Fraser's  Highlanders.  He  had 
been  an  officer  in  a  Scottish  regiment  in  the  Dutch  service,  was 
taken  prisoner  at  Sluys  in  1747  and  carried  off  to  Dijon  in  Bur- 
gundy. He  was  shortly  exchanged  and  put  in  command  of  Stewart's 
Regiment  at  the  garrison  of  Tournay.  Tired  of  Holland  he  got 
transferred  and,  probably  through  the  influence  of  his  brother-in 
law,  Rose  of  Kilravock,  received  a  commission  in  the  78th  on  con- 
dition of  his  raising  a  company.  The  business  of  recruiting  went 
on  merrily  in  the  earlier  months  of  1757.  The  Major  wrote  to  his 
brother,  "one  day  at  Inverness,  next  day  return  to  Kilravock,  and 
a  third  day  at  Nairn,  and  so  on  alternately,  and  often  reviewing  my 
recruits,  and  Kilravock  and  I  engaging  good  men  and  dismissing 
worse."  The  Major's  success  is  shown  by  the  following  minute  of 
the  Nairn  Town  Council. — 20th  April,  1757.— "Whilst  the  Council 
had  under  consideration  the  condition  of  the  streets  a  letter  was  laid 
before  them  from  James  Clephanc,  Esq.,  First  Major  to  the  Second 
Battalion  of  Fraser's  Highlanders,  directed  to  Mr.  Alexander  Ore  of 
Knockoudie,  Treasurer  of  the  Burgh,  wherein  was  enclosed  Five 
Guineas  gifted  by  that  worthy  gentleman,  brother  to  Mrs.  Elizabeth 
Clephane,  Lady  Kilravock,  and  freeman  Burgess  and  Guild  brother, 
as  a  token  of  his  friendship,  for  being  applied  towards  repairing  the 
street.  The  which  letter  being  read,  the  Council  in  testimony  of  the 
high  value  they  sett  on  his  friendship  and  of  their  due  esteem  and 
sincere  affection  for  him  do  appoint  and  ordain  their  clerk  to  record 
said  letter  in  the  Council  Book  and  lodge  the  original  among  the 
Town's  papers."  Major  Clephane  was  able  to  send  off  to  Glasgow 
a  company  of  one  hundred  and  twenty-four  recruits  raised,  (he 
wrote  to  his  brother)  "by  my  worthy  friend  Kilravock  and  a  few 
other  friends,  without  any  assistance  from  Colonel  Fraser  or  his 
officers,  as  good  hearty  young  fellows  as  are  to  be  seen  in  many 
regiments  and  all  as  willing  and  cheerfully  engaged  as  is  possible 
for  any  men  to  be."  He  and  his  men  were  at  the  Siege  of  Louisburg 
and  saw  much  fighting.  At  the  conclusion  of  the  war  many  of  the 
men  remained  in  Canada  while  the  Major  returned  to  be  merry  with 
his  friends  in  Nairn.  He  sold  out  of  the  army  in  1760,  and  three 
years  later  he  was  elected  a  member  of  the  Nairn  Town  Council.  In 
1765  he  was  unanimously  elected  Provost  of  Nairn,  which  office  he 

1759]  ST-  Andrew's  society.  31 

held  for  several  years.  He  was  a  type  of  the  rollicking  soldier  of 
the  day.  The  village  of  Clephantown  still  preserves  his  name. — 
George  Bain's  "History  of  Nairnshire." 


Manager  1760-62;  1763-65. 

Youngest  son  of  Lieutenant  Governor  Cadwallader  Colden  with 
whom  he  lived  at  his  estate  of  Spring  Hill,  Flushing.  He  was  a 
gentleman  of  the  first  character  and  reputation  as  to  honesty  and 
veracity.  He  was  originally  bred  a  physician,  but  never  practised. 
He  was  fond  of  retirement,  was  much  devoted  to  scientific  pursuits, 
and  maintained  a  correspondence  with  the  learned  of  his  time  both 
in  Europe  and  America.  In  1765  he  addressed  the  Commissioners 
of  the  Stamp  Office  at  London,  on  learning  that  James  McEvers, 
Distributor  of  Stamps,  had  resigned  his  office,  asking  for  the  ap- 
pointment. He  expressed  his  sense  of  the  odium  and  danger  which 
the  appointment  involved,  but  he  pleaded  that,  as  his  father  was 
determined  to  enforce  the  act,  he  himself  must  necessarily  assume 
the  office  of  distributor,  and  that  it  was  but  fair  if  he  incurred  the 
risk  he  should  reap  the  advantages  of  the  emoluments.  At  his 
father's  death  he  inherited  the  paternal  seat  at  Flushing,  Having 
adhered  to  the  Crown  he  signed  an  address  to  Governor  Tryon, 
October,  1776;  was  attainted  in  1779.  He  was  appointed  July  15. 
1780,  Assistant  Master  of  the  Rolls  and  Superintendent  of  Police 
,  on  Long  Island,  with  equity  powers.  In  1783  he  retired  to  England 
where  he  died  July  10,  1784.  His  estate  had  been  confiscated.  His 
wife  Ann,  a  daughter  of  John  Willet  of  Flushing,  returned  to  this 
country  with  her  children,  one  son,  Cadwallader  David,  and  four 
daughters. — Thompson's  History  of  Long  Island,  Vol.  II,  p.  8/. 


In  1758  he  was  of  the  firm  of  Johnston  &  Gemmel  at  Kennedy's 
house  near  the  new  Ferry  stairs.    In  the  following  year  at  the  same 

32  ROSTER.  [1759 

place  but  on  his  own  account,  and  dealt  in  European  and  East  Indian 
Goods.  He  was  drowned  August  22,  1763,  crossing  Wright's  Ferry 
and  was  buried  at  Constable  Point,  N.  J. 

(His  name  appears  as  "Gammell"  on  Roll.) 


James  Glen  was  born  at  Linlithgow  in  1701 ;  educated  at  the 
University  of  Leyden,  and  on  returning  home,  held  several  political 
offices.  In  Dec,  1738,  he  was  commissioned  Governor  of  South 
Carolina,  but  holding  at  that  time  the  post  of  Seignories  in  Scotland 
did  not  arrive  in  the  Province  till  Dec.  19,  1743.  He  was  a  man  of 
considerable  knowledge  and  ability,  courteous  and  polite,  and  ex- 
ceedingly fond  of  military  parade  and  ostentation.  He  entertained 
friendly  relations  with  the  Cherokee  Indians,  and  in  the  fall  of  1753 
visited  their  country  and  concluded  a  treaty  by  which  an  immense 
extent  of  their  territory  was  ceded  to  the  King.  During  his  adminis- 
tration the  principles  of  constitutional  government  were  advanced 
by  drawing  the  line  more  sharply  between  its  legislative,  executive 
and  judicial  branches,  and  by  formally  separating  and  defining  the 
respective  functions  and  limitations  of  each.  Governor  Glen  ad- 
ministered the  Colony  till  June,  1756,  when  he  was  superseded.  In 
1761  he  published  in  London  "A  Description  of  South  Carolina." — ■ 
Nat.  Cy.  of  Biog. 

Manager  1766-72. 

Watch  Maker  from  London ;  opposite  the  Merchants  Coffee 
House.  In  1769  he  moved  to  Hanover  Square,  and  was  there  in 


Of   Lochgarry ;   Captain   in  78th   Fraser's   Highlanders  Jan.    13, 
1757;  wounded  at  "the  Heights  of  Abraham";  Major  of  the  71st 
Fraser's;  Colonel  of  the  76th  McDonald's  Highlanders;  d.  1789. 
(His  name  appears  on  Roll  as  McDonald.) 

1759]  ST-  Andrew's  society.  33 


Son  of  Keppoch.     Of  the  78th  Fraser's  Highlanders,  Lieutenant 
Jan.  14.  1757;  Captain  Oct.  17,  1759. 

(His  name  appears  on  Roll  as  McDonald.) 

john  Mckenzie,  m.d. 

Surgeon  of  the  62nd  Regiment  Feb.  2,  1756. 

(His  name   appears  on  Roll   as   Dr.   McKenzie   and   again   in    1769   as   John 
McKenzie,  M.D.     There  was  only  one  in  British  Army  List.) 


Norman  entered  the  army  in  January,  1756,  as  ensign  in  the 
42nd  Highlanders  and  served  under  Lord  Loudoun  in  Nova  Scotia ; 
under  General  Abercromby  in  the  expedition  against  Ticonderoga 
in  1758;  accompanied  the  expedition  under  Amherst  on  Lake 
Champlain  and  down  the  St.  Lawrence  in  1759-60.  Having  been 
transferred  to  the  80th  or  Gage's  Light  Infantry,  he  was  commis- 
sioned Captain-Lieutenant  of  that  corps  on  Oct.  4,  1760,  and  served 
in  it  till  its  reduction  in  1763,  when  he  went  on  half  pay,  and  was, 
some  time  after,  appointed  Commissary  at  Niagara.  His  name  is 
continued  in  half-pay  list  until  1787,  when  it  disappears. — Col.  Doc. 
VIII,  p.  228.  In  1775  he  was  recalled  to  the  colors,  again  as  Lieu- 
tenant in  the  42nd,  and  afterwards  exchanged  into  the  71st,  in  which 
he  was  a  Captain  in  1779.  He  was  in  the  expedition  against  Charles- 
ton in  1780  and  was  wounded  in  the  campaign.  In  1781  surrendered 
with  Cornwallis. — F.  B.  Richards. 


Partner  of  John  Ramsay  in  the  firm  of  Mercer  and  Ramsay, 
doing  business  in  Pearl  Street  "at  the  Sign  of  the  Cross  Keys  near 
the  Fly  Market,"  Importers  of  Dry  Goods  1771,  "Betwixt  the  Ferry 

34  ROSTER.  [1759 

stairs  and  Burling's  Slip ;  sell  best  quality  of  Indigo  and  inspected 
Tobacco."  He  took  the  side  of  the  Crown  at  the  Revolution,  dis- 
solved partnership  and  returned  to  Europe  where  soon  after  on  the 
death  of  an  elder  brother,  says  Scoville,  "he  became  Lord  Keith." 

(This  could  hardly  be  so.     Admiral   Elphinstone  became  Viscount  Keith  by 
creation.     Mercer  probably  succeeded  to  the  Alvie  estate.) 


David  Mill  or  Milne  received  a  commission  as  Lieutenant  in  the 
42nd  July  19,  1757;  wounded  at  Ticonderoga ;  again  wounded  at 
Martinique  in  1762  and  retired  from  the  army  at  the  peace  in  1763. 

(This  appears  on  our  Roll  as  Mill  and  is  changed  to  the  above  spelling  on 
the  authority  of  the  Duke  of  Atholl.) 


Dealt  in  European  and  Indian  Goods  opposite  the  Fly-Market. 
In  1763  he  is  found  as  landlord  of  the  London  Coffee  House. 
(His  name  appears  on  our  Roll  as  Aughston.) 



Manager  i774~75;  1784-85;  Secretary  1767-70;  1771-72; 
Treasurer  1767-72. 

Son  of  James  Ramsay  of  Perthshire  and  was  born  there  in  1731. 
After  receiving  a  liberal  education  in  the  professions  of  law  and 
physic,  he  left  his  home  in  Scotland,  and  in  companionship  with  his 
young  friend  Robert  Mercer  went  up  to  London,  where  they  entered 
a  counting-house  together.  When  John  became  twenty-one,  the  two 
friends  emigrated  to  New  York,  and  forming  a  co-partnership  under 
the  firm  name  of  Mercer  and  Ramsay,  entered  into  the  business  of 
importing.  At  the  breaking  out  of  the  war,  Mercer  returned  to 
Scotland,  having  taken  the  Royalist  side.  On  Jan.  21,  1768,  in 
Hugh  Gaine's  Mercury  appeared  the  following  advertisement  "Mr. 

r759]  ST-  Andrew's  society.  35 

John  Ramsay,  Merchant  in  New  York,  near  the  Fly  Market."  On 
Marcli  5,  1771,  he  became  a  member  of  the  Chamber  of  Commerce. 
Tl>e  course  of  Mr.  Ramsay  on  the  approach  of  the  struggle  was  a 
firm  and  consistent  one.  A  member  of  the  Dutch  Reformed  Church, 
it  was  natural  that  he  should  ally  himself  with  the  party  which 
favored  a  larger  liberty  than  the  views  of  either  Church  or  King 
promised  at  that  day.  Differing  in  views  with  his  partner,  Mr. 
Mercer,  the  firm  was  dissolved,  Mercer  returning  to  Great  Britain, 
while  he  continued  the  business  alone.  Through  his  many  influential 
connections  abroad  he  received  many  brilliant  offers  from  the  British 
Government,  but  he  always  refused  to  take  part  against  the  land  of 
his  adoption.  When  the  British  took  possession  of  the  city  he  re- 
moved to  New  Jersey,  where  he  remained  till  the  close  of  the  war. 
On  June  1st,  1784,  he  was  re-elected  to  the  Chamber  of  Commerce. 
He  had  his  store  in  Pearl  Street,  residence  on  Greenwich  Street  and 
a  farm  in  Westchester  County.    He  died  Dec.  1,  1816.  aged  85. 

Surgeon  60th  Regiment  April  16th,  1762. 

I  760. 

Of  the  78th  Fraser's  Highlanders. 


Son  of  Lachlan  Campbell  of  Islay  and  "Campbell  Hall,"  N.  Y., 
and  born  at  the  latter  place.  Appointed  Ensign  in  the  48th  Regi- 
ment Aug.  23,  1758;  Lieutenant  June  15,  1760.     Remained  loyal. 

36  ROSTER.  [1760 


Of  Glendaruel ;  Ensign  42nd  Royal  Highlanders  Sept.  25,  1745 ; 
Lieut.  May  16,  1748;  Capt.-Lieut.  July  2,  1759;  Capt.  July  20,  1760; 
Capt.  27th  Inniskilling  Regiment  Mar.  25,  1762;  Major  Superin- 
tendent of  Indian  Affairs  in  Quebec  July  2,  1773  ;  Lieut.-Col.  Aug.  29, 
1777 )"  Col.  Nov.  16,  1790.  He  had  a  long  and  meritorious  service 
with  his  regiment,  the  42nd  Highlanders,  in  all  its  campaigns  from 
the  Rebellion  in  1745  to  the  attack  on  Ticonderoga  (where  he  was 
wounded  on  the  8th  of  July  1758),  and  the  conquest  of  Canada, 
Martinique  and  Havana.  He  subsequently  served  in  the  expedition 
commanded  by  General  Burgoyne,  at  the  head  of  a  number  of 
Indians,  and  was  distinguished  for  his  spirited  conduct  as  an  officer, 
adorned  by  that  elegance  and  politeness  which  mark  the  accom- 
plished gentleman,  and  his  virtues  in  private  life  endeared  him  to 
his  family  and  companions.  His  remains  were  attended  to  the  grave 
in  a  manner  suitable  to  his  rank,  not  only  by  a  very  numerous  assem- 
bly of  citizens  of  all  ranks,  but  by  a  large  body  of  Indian  warriors, 
whose  very  decent  behavior  evinced  the  sincerity  with  which  they 
partook  of  the  universal  regret  occasioned  by  the  loss  of  so  very 
respectable  a  member  of  society.  He  died  at  Montreal,  aged  64, 
on  the  23rd  of  June,  1795. — Communicated  by  Major  Sir  Duncan 
Campbell  of  Barcdldinc  through  the  kindness  ,of  Frederick  B. 
Richards,  Esq.,  Sec'y.,  N.  Y.  State  Hist.  Assn.,  Glens  Falls,  N.  Y. 

(This  officer  has  heretofore  been  believed  as  of  the  family  of  Glenlyon  and 
Scottish  histories  so  designate  him.  Major  Sir  Duncan  Campbell,  however,  is 
authority  for  ihe  statement  that  Lieut.  John  Campbell  of  Glenlyon  exchanged 
into  the  Marines  in  the  year  1755.) 


Captain  of  one  of  the  Independent  Companies ;  in  1760  resided 
at  Princeton,  N.  J. ;  in  1762  a  lottery  for  his  benefit  was  advertised 
which  was  intended  to  convert  into  money  an  improved  tract  of  land 
in  Middlesex  County,  N.  J.;  in  1765,  having  been  in  some  kind  of 
business  in  New  York,  he  made  an  assignment,  Walter  Buchanan 
acting  for  the  assignees.  At  the  Battle  of  Brooklyn  was  Brigade- 
Major  of  the  New  Jersey  militia  under  "Lord  Stirling."    His  mili- 

i"6o]  st.  Andrew's  society.  37 

tary  record  as  taken  from  the  Year  Book  of  the  New  York  Society, 
Sons  of  the  Revolution,  is  as  follows: — Capt.  1st  Regiment  Hunter- 
don Co.,  N.  J.  Militia,  Col.  Isaac  Smith;  Capt.,  Col.  Samuel  For- 
man's  Battalion,  Heard's  Brigade,  N.  J.  Militia,  June  14,  1776; 
Brigade-Major  of  same,  July  25,  1776;  Major  and  Quartermaster  in 
Quartermaster-General's  Dept.,  N.  J.  Militia,  Mar.  2,  1778-1779. 

Manager  1762-63. 

In  1761  Robert  and  James  Law  advertise  sale  of  European  and 
India  and  other  Dry  Goods  at  their  store  in  Hanover  Square ;  in 
1762  moved  "opposite  the  Cross  Keys,  near  the  Fly-Market,"  and 
their  advertisement  shows  they  have  added  "Delf  and  Stone  Ware 
of  all  kinds,  Drinking  Glasses  and  Decanters  of  all  sorts  and  Fine 
Bottled  Beer." 

(This  name  appears  in  the  History  as  John.) 


Lieutenant  60th  Royal  Americans  Dec.  26,  1755 ;  aide-de-camp  to 
Lord  Loudoun ;  married  a  widow  Cunningham. 


Master  of  the  snow  "Barrington"  of  Glasgow;  was  in  New  York 
on  Saint  Andrew's  Day  1760  and  1761.  Traded  between  New  York, 
Greenock  and  Glasgow. 

(His  name  appears  on  Roll  as  Donald  McCurdy.) 


In  1761  he  advertises  as  "from  London"  and  offers  for  sale  at 
his  store,  north  side  of  Hanover  Square,  European  and  India  Goods ; 
in  1 761  he  offers  to  take  in  payment  for  his  goods  "Connecticut 
money,  naval  stores,  or  Skins." 

38  ROSTER.  [1760 


Lieutenant-Colonel    55th   Regiment    Feb.    25,    1760;    Lieutenant- 
Colonel  48th  Regiment  Mar.  20,  1761. 


In  1763,  Wine  Merchant  "at  Mr.  Samuel  Deall's  in  Broad  St., 
near  the  Earl  of  Stirling's.  A  Choice  Cargo  of  old  Vidonia  Wines. 
N.B.  Considerable  Allowance  to  those  who  take  a  Quantity  of 

Manager  1766-72. 

Merchant  trader  between  New  York,  Antigua  and  London. 
From  1760  to  1764  he  sailed  successively  the  sloops  "Samuel,"  "Two 
Brothers,"  and  "Yonkers,"  and  the  snow  "Creighton."  His  voyages 
to  Antigua  were  principally  for  salt.  The  "Creighton,"  however, 
was  a  passenger  ship.  In  1777  he  had  a  ship  chandlery  store  near 
the  ship  yards  and  was  appointed  by  Major-General  Robertson  (a 
fellow  member),  Superintendent  of  the  Watch  in  the  Montgomery 
Ward,  for  the  prevention  of  incendiarism.  "On  Saint  Andrew's 
day,  1778,  the  Highland  Volunteer  Militia,  in  their  Highland  uni- 
form, led  by  Captain  Normand  Tolmie,  paid  their  Compliments  to 
his  Excellency  the  Commander-in-  Chief,  by  whom  they  were  re- 
ceived with  great  politeness."  His  will,  leaving  all  to  his  wife 
Phoebe,  was  proved  April  1,  1788. 


Was  Major  in  the  Royal  Americans,  and  on  Apr.  26,  1751,  was 
appointed  Brevet  Lieutenant-Colonel  with  the  promise  of  being 
Governor  of  Virginia.  The  Commandant  of  Fort  William  Henry, 
Colonel  George  Monroe,  sent  Young  to  make  terms  with  the 
Marquis  of  Montcalm.  In  the  capitulation  Montcalm  expressly 
gave  permission  to  Young  to  serve  as  Governor  of  Virginia,  but  not 

1760]  st.  Andrew's  society.  39 

in  the  army.  After  the  surrender  of  Fort  William  Henry  he  was 
shamefully  stripped  and  plundered  by  the  Indians  and  rescued  by 
a  French  grenadier,  and  it  is  a  curious  fact  that  he  afterwards 
recognized  and  recovered  some  of  his  property  in  I759>  on  the  re- 
duction of  Quebec.  In  1758  he  commanded  the  2nd  Battalion  of  the 
60th  Regiment  at  the  Siege  of  Louisburg,  and  was  appointed  Lieu- 
tenant-Colonel of  his  regiment,  with  the  rank  of  Colonel  in  America, 
and  in  the  campaign  against  Quebec  in  1759.  commanded  the  3rd 
Battalion.  On  the  capture  of  that  city,  he  was,  with  great  propriety, 
appointed  Judge  of  the  Police,  in  which  office  he  acquitted  himself 
with  honor,  to  the  general  satisfaction  of  the  British  traders  settled 
there  and  to  the  French  inhabitants.  Taken  prisoner  at  Montreal 
1760,  and  mentioned  in  the  correspondence  between  General  Murray 
and  the  Chevalier  de  Levis.  On  Mar.  20,  1761,  he  exchanged  into 
the  46th  foot;  on  Feb.  16,  1762,  he  was  promoted  to  be  Colonel  in 
the  army,  and  died  in  November  following.  He  was,  says  Knox, 
"a  man  of  great  merit,  an  incomparable  officer,  of  sound  judgment, 
long  experience  and  was  universally  esteemed." 

I  76  I. 

("Earl  of  Stirling.") 

President  1761-64. 

(See  Morrison's  History.) 


Surgeon  of  the  Royal  Artillery  who  subsequently  became  head 

of  the  Medical  Department  of  the  British  army  at  New  York;  d. 

1779,   in  the  West  Indies,  on  the  Expedition  to  St.  Lucia  under 
General  Grant. 

40  ROSTER.  [J76l 


Major  in  the  77th  Montgomery's  Highlanders  Jan.  7,  1757;  was 
with  General  Forbes  in  1758  on  the  expedition  to  Fort  Pitt ;  with  the 
expedition  to  Lake  Champlain  under  Amherst  in  1759;  Lieutenant- 
Colonel  95th  Regiment  Mar.  22,  1781  ;  retired  on  half  pay  1763; 
Lieutenant-General  1774;  called  to  the  colors  in  1780;  retired  in 
1783;  Colonel  in  the  army  1790;  Major-General  Oct.  1794;  Lieu- 
tenant-General Jan.  1801  ;  d.  1804. 


b.  Ireland,  Sept.  19,  1730.  Settled  in  Schenectady  as  early  as 
1754  as  a  merchant  and  acquired  great  wealth ;  was  a  Judge  of 
Common  Pleas  for  Albany  County  in  1771  ;  attended  a  Congress  of 
the  Six  Nations  with  Sir  William  Johnson  the  same  year  and  again 
in  1774,  when  he  was  styled  Colonel.  He  was  a  Justice  of  the  Peace 
in  Schenectady.  In  1778  practised  law  in  New  York.  Was  one  of 
the  executors  of  Sir  William  Johnson.    Died  Aug.  16,  1802. 


Son  of  Lachlan  Campbell  of  Islay  and  "Campbell  Hall,"  N.  Y. 
Lieutenant  in  the  Goth  Royal  Americans  Dec.  28,  1757.  Remained 
loyal,  unlike  his  brother  Donald. 


Appointed  Lieutenant  in  Loudoun's  Highlanders  June,  1745; 
served  through  the  Rebellion  1745;  made  the  campaign  in  Flanders 
in  1747,  in  which  year  he  was  promoted  to  a  Captaincy ;  went  on  half 
pay  af  the  peace  of  1748.  He  was  again  called  into  active  service  when 
he  joined  the  42nd;  wounded  at  Ticonderoga ;  appointed  Major  of 
the  17th  foot  by  General  Amherst  July  11,  1759;  promoted  to  be 

1 761]  st.  Andrew's  society.  41 

Lieutenant-Colonel  in  the  army  Feb.,  1762;  commanded  his  regi- 
ment in  the  expedition  against  Martinique  and  Havana;  Lieutenant- 
Colonel  of  the  57th  foot  May  1,  1773,  and  returned  to  America  at 
the  breaking  out  of  the  Revolution ;  was  appointed  Major-General 
Feb.  19,  1779;  Colonel  of  his  regiment  Nov.  2,  1780;  commanded 
the  British  forces  in  West  Florida,  where  he  surrendered  Pensacola 
to  the  Spaniards  May  10,  1781 ;  became  Lieutenant-General  1787; 
General  Jan.  26,  1797,  and  died  August  28,  1806. — Stewart's 


In  1757  Master  of  the  snow  "Robert  and  Ann"  from  Bristol;  in 
1758  trading  to  South  Carolina;  1761,  sloop  "Keppel"  for  Monte 
Christo;  1762,  ship  "Manchester,"  eight  carriage  guns  and  twenty 
men,  for  London,  part  of  his  cargo  being  skins  and  furs;  1766,  ship 
"Edward"  for  Hamburg;  1771,  cast  away  on  Trinidad;  1772,  mem- 
ber of  the  Marine  Society  and  master  of  a  new  ship  "London" ; 
1773,  had  refused  to  carry  tea  aboard  his  ship  and  received  the 
thanks  of  the  people;  1774,  had  eighteen  boxes  of  tea  and  at  first 
denied  having  them.  The  owners,  the  Captain  and  a  Committee  met  at 
Fraunces'  tavern,  while  the  Mohawks  "were  prepared  to  do  their 
duty."  The  people,  however,  were  impatient  and  about  8  p.m.  went 
aboard  the  ship,  took  out  the  cases  of  tea,  broke  them  open  and  threw 
the  tea  into  the  river,  dispersing  in  good  order,  but  in  anger  with  the 
captain.  The  cargo  was  consigned  to  Walter  and  Thomas  Buchanan. 
On  his  next  trip  to  London  the  English  pilot  ran  his  ship  ashore 
three  times  and  then  hanged  himself  in  the  cabin.  While  in  London 
Chambers  entered  a  claim  against  the  government  for  the  value  of 
the  tea  thrown  overboard  in  New  York.  In  October,  1778,  he  was 
master  of  a  small  privateer  belonging  to  the  Island  of  Jamaica  cap- 
turing, off  Charleston,  several  valuable  American  prizes ;  a  large 
brig  was  fitted  out  to  take  him,  but  he  escaped. 


42  ROSTER.  [!76l 

Secretary  1770-71. 

In  1759,  Welsh  and  Currie,  Dry  Goods,  in  Wall  Street;  in  1761 
doing  business  alone  at  the  same  place;  in  1784  Trustee  of  the  First 
Presbyterian  Church,  and  in  the  same  year  Archibald  and  David 
Currie  attached  their  names  to  the  petition  to  the  Legislature,  Apr. 
13,  asking  a  new  charter  for  the  Chamber  of  Commerce;  in  1785  the 
firm  contributed  iio  towards  the  Saint  Andrew's  Hall  Fund. 


In  1758  a  theatre  was  built  on  Cruger's  Wharf,  between  Coenties 
and  Old  Slips,  on  the  Front  Street  line.  It  is  simply  styled  in  dra- 
matic records  "a  building  suitable  for  the  purpose."  The  proprietor 
and  manager  was  David  Douglass,  whom  Wemyss  calls  ''a  gentleman 
by  birth  and  fortune,  who  by  his  marriage  with  Lewis  Hallam's 
widow,  was  placed  on  the  theatrical  throne  of  the  Western  Hemis- 
phere." Douglass  attempted  to  open  the  Cruger's  Wharf  Theatre, 
but  "received  an  absolute  and  positive  denial  from  the  authorities," 
when  he  made  an  appeal  to  the  public  in  the  columns  of  Gaine's 
Mercury.  He  stated  how  he  had  "begged  in  the  humblest  manner" 
of  the  magistrates  "to  indulge  him  in  acting  as  many  plays  as  would 
barely  defray  expenses"  but  was  "peremptorily  refused."  Douglass 
next  explained  in  a  card  in  the  same  journal  on  Dec.  8,  1758,  how  he 
had  conceived  the  happy  thought  of  starting  a  "Histrionic  Academy, 
in  which  plays  would  be  performed,  or  rather  recitations  given, — in 
costume,  perchance, — authorities  or  no  authorities  to  the  contrary 
notwithstanding."  The  magistrates  thereupon  relented,  and.  on 
Dec.  28.  1758,  the  new  theatre  was  opened  with  Rowe's  "Jane 
Shore."  The  Chapel  Street  Theatre  was  the  next  building  erected 
as  a  theatre.  It  was  built  of  wood  at  a  cost  of  $1625.  The  scenery 
and  wardrobe  were  worth  a  thousand  dollars.  Here  for  the  first 
time  visitors  were  allowed  behind  the  scenes,  and  it  is  also  famous 
as  the  scene  of  the  first  "egging"  known  to  the  American  stage. 
The  following  advertisement  explains  itself.    "Theatre  in  New  York, 

1761]  st.  andkew's  society.  43 

May  3,  1762. — A  Pistole  reward  will  be  given  to  whoever  can  dis- 
cover the  person  who  was  so  very  rude  as  to  throw  Eggs  from  the 
Gallery  upon  the  stage  last  Monday,  by  which  the  Cloaths  of  some 
Ladies  and  Gentlemen  were  spoiled,  and  the  performance  in  some 
measure  interrupted.  D.  Douglass."  Douglass's  next  move  was  to 
Burns's  New  Assembly  Room  in  1767,  where  he  gave  his  famous 
"Lecture  on  Heads."  The  John  Street  Theatre  was  the  next  place 
with  which  Douglass  was  identified,  but  it  had  to  be  closed  during 
the  Revolution.  Douglass  afterwards)  became  Chief  Justice  of 
Jamaica,  where  he  died. 


In  1761  Master  of  the  Sloop  "Hazard"  for  St.  Christopher;  in 
1763  Master  of  the  "Lawrence,"  Letter  of  Marque  to  cruise  off 
Hispaniola;  member  Marine  Society  Oct.  13,  1800. 

Manager  1761-62. 

Senior  member  of  the  firm  of  Robert  and  James  Law,  who  adver- 
tise sale  of  European  and  India  Goods  and  other  Dry  Goods  at  their 
Store  in  Hanover  Square. 


Manager    1765-66;    Vice-President    1766-70;    1771-72;    1774-75; 

President  1772-73. 

(See  Morrison's  History.) 

Cordwainer.     On  Roll  of  Freemen,  Oct.  1,  1765. 

44  ROSTER.  [J76i 

Manager  1773-74;  Secretary  1764-65;  Treasurer  1765-67. 

He  was  the  seventh  child  of  Judge  William  Moore  of  Moore 
Hall,  Pa.,  b.  June  17,  1735.  (Judge  William  was  a  son  of  John  who 
died  Collector  of  the  Port  of  Philadelphia,  1732,  and  who  was  the 
first  to  come  from  England,  establishing  himself  at  Charleston.) 
The  first  record  of  the  presence  of  Thomas  W.  Moore  in  New  York 
is  to  be  found  in  the  record  of  his  marriage  with  Anne  Ascough 
July  6,  1 761,  he  being  twenty-seven  years  of  age  at  the  time.  This 
lady  was  the  widow  of  Dr.  Richard  Ascough,  a  surgeon  in  the 
British  army,  and  resident  in  New  York  in  the  middle  of  the  18th 
century.  In  Gaine's  Mercury  of  Aug.  23,  1762,  Moore  advertises 
"Sugar  by  Thomas  William  Moore  at  his  store  in  King's  Street,  next 
door  to  Jamesi  Duane,  Esq."  In  1768  he  was  admitted  to  membership 
in  the  Chamber  of  Commerce,  and  in  1769  he  was  made  a  freeman  of 
the  city  under  the  appellation  of  Gentleman.  He  was  of  the  firm  of 
Moore  and  Lynsen,  afterwards  Moore,  Lynsen  &  Co.,  Auctioneers, 
Daniel  McCormick  having  been  admitted  to  the  firm.  Mr.  Moore 
never  seems  to  have  hesitated  in  his  allegiance  to  the  Crown.  When 
the  British  army  arrived  from  Halifax  in  1776  he  immediately 
entered  the  service.  He  enlisted  as  Captain  in  General  Oliver  de 
Lancey's  Loyal  Brigade.  In  1778  Captain  Moore  sailed  with  the 
Expedition  against  Savannah  and  was  present  at  the  taking  of  that 
place  in  December.  After  the  capture.  Colonel  Campbell  appointed 
Moore  as  Barrack  Master.  He  became  Provincial  Aide-de-Camp 
to  General  Prevost  and  took  part  in  the  defence  of  the  city  in  1779- 
On  the  evacuation  of  Savannah  Moore  returned  to  New  York.  In 
1783  he  withdrew  to  Nova  Scotia  and  was  afterwards  appointed 
Consul  to  Rhode  Island  and  Connecticut,  had  a  disagreement  with 
the  Governor  of  Rhode  Island  and  his  exequatur  was  withdrawn  by 
Washington.    He  died  in  England. 


Fourth  in  descent  from  David  Provoost,  the  first  settler;  father 
of  the  future  Bishop;  in  1737  his  name  appears  on  the  Roll  of  Free- 
men; in  1748  his  place  of  business  was  in  a  house  "near  the  new 
Dutch  Church";  in  1751  store  near  the  Fly-Market  where  he  sold 

1761]  st.  Andrew's  society.  45 

European  and  Indian  Goods ;  in  1757  he  imported  cannon,  muskets, 
ammunition,  &c,  for  privateering.  He  became  wealthy  and  was  for 
many  years  one  of  the  Governors  of  King's  College.  He  died  Sept. 
24,    1767. 

Treasurer  1761-65. 

He  seems  to  have  come  to  New  York  in  1759,  for  in  his  adver- 
tisement in  the  Mercury  he  says:  "Just  arrived  from  Europe,"  and 
again  "Lately  from  Europe."  His  name  does  not  appear  before 
that  date.  His  store  was  opposite  the  Fly-Market  where  he  sold 
European  goods,  meaning  pretty  much  everything.  Judging  from 
his  advertisements  his  coming  was  in  the  nature  of  a  venture  as  he 
says  "his  time  here  is  to  be  short,"  but  he  settled  down  and  remained. 


In  1761  Master  of  the  Sloop  "Tryal" ;  in  1763  Master  of  the 
Schooner  "Pitt"  for  Antigua,  while  his  store  was  on  Great  Dock, 
two  doors  from  Royal  Exchange,  where  he  carried  on  a  ship- 
chandlery  business;  in  1764  takes  "Old  Rope  walk  in  the  Fields  or 
Vineyard  No.  4,"  his  ship-chandler's  store  being  run  by  his  partner 
James  McConnell  on  his  own  account;  on  Nov.  12,  1764,  David 
Shaw  advertises  Rope  Walk  for  sale  with  all  the  Tools  and  utensils, 
and  nothing  more  is  heard  of  Neil.  He  probably  was  a  son  or 
brother  of  David.  Died  intestate,  William  Malcom  appointed  Ad- 
ministrator Sept.  6,  1785. 

First  Lieutenant  94th  Regiment  March  7,  1760. 


In  1758  Store  on  Canon's  Wharf  where  he  sold  Irish  linens,  glass, 
muskets,  pumps,  boots  and  butter.  Member  of  the  Marine  Society 
in  1774. 

46  ROSTER.  [1762 



Master  of  trading  vessel  between  New  York,  Dublin  and  Glasgow  ; 
in  1760  Master  of  the  Snow  "Antelope." 

(Mr.  Morrison  has  omitted  this  name  altogether,  assuming  that  it  was  meant 
for  "Lord  Stirling.") 


Son  of  Barcaldine;  joined  the  42nd  as  Ensign  in  1745;  captured 
at  Prestonpans ;  came  to  America  in  1756  as  Captain  in  the  42nd 
and  in  1759  was  appointed  Major  for  the  campaign  under  Amherst; 
he  was  employed  at  the  head  of  the  Grenadiers  and  Rangers,  clear- 
ing the  way  for  the  army  to  the  lakes;  became  Major  in  the  army 
Aug.  15,  1762;  went  on  half  pay  in  1763,  having  obtained  a  grant 
of  five  thousand  acres  at  Crown  Point ;  in  1770  he  was  Major  of 
the  36th  Foot  in  Jamaica;  became  Lieutenant-Colonel  May,  1772; 
Colonel  Nov.  17,  1780;  Major-General  1780;  d.  1795. 


Merchant  in  Albany ;  in  1760  advertising  European  Goods  and 
making  a  specialty  of  Tartan  plaids,  Scots  Bonnets,  Highland  garter- 
ing, Highland  Shoes,  &c,  "Near  the  North  Gate." 


Captain  in  the  77th  Montgomery's  Highlanders  Sept.  15,  1758; 
Captain  55th  Regiment  Sept.  17,  1760;  Major  Aug.  31,  1770;  at 
one  time  in  command  of  Fort  Brewerton  at  the  outlet  of  Oneida 
Lake,  where  Mrs.  Grant  of  Laggan,  then  Miss  Mc Vicar,  met  him, 

1762]  st.  Andrew's  society.  47 

and  who  says  of  him  "whose  warm  and  generous  heart,  whose  en- 
lightened and  comprehensive  mind,  whose  social  qualities  and  public 
virtues  I  should  delight  to  commemorate  did  my  limits  permit." 
Gen.  James  Grant  Wilson  states  that  he  was  killed  leading  the 
attack  on  Fort  St.  Anne  at  the  Battle  of  White  Plains  in  1777. 


In  the  service  of  George  and  John  Buchanan  of  Glasgow,  repre- 
sented in  New  York  by  Walter  and  Thomas  Buchanan.  In  1755 
master  of  the  snow  "Friendship"  for  Londonderry;  in  1761  in  the 
brig  "Polly";  in  1764  in  the  "Peggy"  from  Glasgow;  in  1766  in  the 
snow  "Buchanan";  in  1773  in  the  brig  "Matty";  in  1774  in  the  ship 
"Lilly" ;  in  1777  the  same  ship  is  armed  with  twelve  6  pounders. 

( 1 722-1797) 

Third  son  of  Lieutenant-Governor  Cadwallader  Colden.  In 
June,  1776,  he  was  arrested  in  Ulster  County  for  his  extreme  loyalist 
opinions.  Sabine  tells  us  that  in  1784  on  petition  of  some  friendly 
Whigs  he  was  permitted  to  return  to  the  State. 


Evidently  an  attorney.  Found  as  witness  to  several  wills.  Ad- 
ministrator of  the  estate  of  David  Gemmel  who  was  drowned,  and 
who  died  intestate.    Appointed  Sept.  9,  1763. 


In  New  York  Gazette  1761,  David  Fleming  "from  Dublin,"  ad- 
vertises his  Soap  and  Candle  Store  between  the  Fly-Market  and 

48  ROSTER.  [  1 762 

Burling's  Slip.  "Myrtle  or  Tallow  Candles;  hard  or  soft  Soap." 
1762 — "A  few  Quarter  Casks  Madeira  Wine.  Some  Prussian  Blue, 
Paper  by  the  Ream,  Green  Tea  in  Canisters,  Jamaica  Spirits  by  Five 
Gallons  or  upwards,  St.  Vincent  Tobacco,  Choice  Claret  in  bottles, 
Brass  fittings  for  furniture  &c."    d.  1763. 


Lieutenant  in  the  42nd  Royal  Highlanders  Aug.  16,  1762;  Lieu- 
tenant 26th  Cameronians  Apr.  8,  1767;  Captain  Sept.  7,  1768; 
Major  Jan.  18,  1777.  In  1771  Captain  Gordon  lived  on  Broadway 
in  house  almost  opposite  the  Governor's  garden. 

(His  name  appears  on  Roll  as  Andrew.  Ford's  List  also  has  Andrew,  which 
is  a  mistake.) 


A  brother  of  Thomas  of  Duchray ;  entered  the  42nd  as  Ensign, 
was  wounded  at  Ticonderoga  and  again  at  Bushy  Run  in  1763, 
shortly  after  which  he  went  on  half  pay.  He  rejoined  the  Regiment 
in  1765  and  in  1772  is  dropped,  having  attained  the  rank  of  field 
Officer. — Stczvart's  Sketches. 


In  1754  master  of  the  brig  "Elizabeth  &  Catherine"  for  Dover;  in 
1756  succeeded  Captain  Thomas  Miller  in  command  of  the  brig 
"Maria";  in  Feb.  of  1757  he  was  captured  on  his  voyage  from 
London  to  New  York  by  a  French  Privateer  off  Portland,  and  a 
prize  crew  placed  on  board.  Next  day  the  British  sloop  of  war 
"Badger"  hove  in  sight,  gave  chase,  attacked  and  took  the  privateer 
and  sent  a  lieutenant  after  the  "Maria."  The  Frenchmen,  in  their 
efforts  to  escape,  ran  her  on  a  reef  two  miles  from  shore  and  escaped 
in  the  boats,  while  Grant  and  his  crew  were  rescued,  the  brig  going 
to  pieces.  On  July  4th  of  same  year  he  was  appointed  to  command 
the  snow  "Chippingham,"  a  Letter  of  Marque  mounting  ten  guns, 

1762]  st.  Andrew's  society.  49 

and  Thomas  Miller  was  the  agent.  In  1759  he  is  found  doing  business 
in  the  next  house  to  Malcolm  Campbell  (our  Treasurer),  his  line 
being  Dry  Goods.  In  1763  I  find  him  again  at  sea  as  master  of  the 
schooner  "Friendship"  trading  to  Havana.  In  1773  he  is  Naval 
Officer  at  West  Florida,  a  government  position,  and  in  1781  is  of 
Kings  County  "Gentleman." 


Ensign   in  the  77th,   Montgomery's   Highlanders,  Jan.   6,    1757; 
Lieutenant  Sept.  16,  1758;  Quarter-Master  Aug.  16,  1762. 

Manager  1765-66. 

New  York  Gazette  May  10,  1762.  "For  teaching  the  Latin  and 
Greek  Languages,  the  Geography  and  Antiquities  requisite  for  the 
Classicks,  &c.  A  School  is  to  be  open'd  on  the  18th  of  May  Instant 
in  New  Street,  next  door  to  the  Sign  of  Sir  Peter  Warren,  opposite 
to  the  Presbyterian  Church :  Which  Branches,  together  with  Writ- 
ing and  Cyphering  shall  be  taught  in  the  best  Method  for  qualifying 
young  Gentlemen  for  the  College :  And  all  interested  may  depend 
particular  Attention  shall  be  had  to  every  Thing  that  may  promote 
their  Knowledge  and  Virtue,  in  the  Power  of  Thomas  Jackson." 


Lieutenant  Fire  Workers,  Royal  Regiment  of  Artillery  June  8, 
1757;  Second  Lieutenant  Royal  Artillery  Aug.  15,  1760;  First  Lieu- 
tenant Royal  Artillery  May  23,  1764. 


Son  of  Baron  Reid  of  Straloch  and  b.  Feb.  13,  1721.     He  was 
educated  at  the  University  of  Edinburgh  and  entered  the  army  as  a 

50  ROSTER.  [1762 

lieutenant  June  8,  1745,  in  London's  Highlanders;  captain  in  the 
42nd  June  3,  1752,  and  Major  in  1758.  He  served  under  Wolfe  and 
Amherst,  and  was  wounded  in  the  expedition  against  Martinique  in 
1762,  and  promoted  Lieutenant-Colonel.  On  his  return  to  New  York 
that  year  he  joined  the  Society  and  married  the  President's  sister, 
Susannah  Alexander,  on  Dec.  28.  In  1763  he  was  sent  to  the  relief 
of  Fort  Pitt  and  defeated  its  Indian  besiegers  in  the  well  fought 
battle  of  Bushy  Run.  In  1770  he  went  on  half  pay,  became  Major- 
General  in  1781,  Lieutenant-General  in  1793,  General  in  1798  and 
Colonel  of  the  88th  Regiment  and  died  in  London  Feb.  6,  1807.  He 
is  best  remembered  by  his  countrymen  as  the  composer  of  the  music 
of  "The  Garb  of  Old  Gaul."  He  founded  the  Chair  of  Music  at 
Edinburgh  University. 

(His  name  appears  on  Roll   as  Colin   Reed,  the  manner  in  which  the  word 
Colonel  was  written   leading  to  the  mistake.) 



Born  in  Virginia  in  1723,  where  his  father  John  was  President  of 
the  Council  and  Speaker  of  the  House  of  Burgesses.  Colonel  Robin- 
son married  Susannah  Phillipse.  In  1756  he  was  in  the  Dry  Goods 
business  in  Wall  Street  and  in  1757  of  the  firm  of  De  Lancey, 
Robinson  &  Co.,  Duke  Street,  European  and  Indian  Goods,  also 
sugar,  indigo,  rice,  and  New  York,  Jamaica  and  West  India  Rum. 
In  1759  he  was  a  Major  under  Wolfe  at  Quebec.  At  the  Revolution 
he  took  the  Royalist  side  and  raised  the  Loyal  American  Regiment 
and  became  its  colonel.  He  was  concerned  in  Arnold's  treason,  his 
country  mansion  being  used  by  Arnold.  He  was  one  of  those  who 
pleaded  for  Andre's  life.  After  the  war  he  went  to  New  Brunswick 
and  became  a  member  of  the  first  council  of  that  Colony.  He  died 
at  Thornbury,  near  Bath,  in  England  in  1792. 


Ensign  62nd  Royal  Americans  Jan.    14,    1756;  Lieutenant  77th 
Montgomery's  Highlanders  Jan.  8,  1757;  Captain-Lieutenant  Sept. 

1762]  st.  Andrew's  society.  51 

l5,  1758;  Captain  Dec.  31,  1761 ;  Captain  21st  Royal  North  British 
Fusileers  Mar.  14,  1765;  Major  Feb.  21,  1772;  Lieutenant-Colonel 
47th  Regiment  1780,  in  which  year  he  died. 

Member  of  the  Marine  Society  May  8,  1792. 

(This  name  appears  on  Roll  as  Vans.) 



Eldest  son  of  George  and  Jean  Lowden  Buchanan  and  born  at 
Glasgow  24th  December,  1744.  His  father  George  was  a  man  of 
fortune  and  liberal  education  and  a  leading  merchant  in  Glasgow 
during  the  early  part  of  the  18th  century.  After  finishing  his  studies 
at  the  University  of  Glasgow,  Thomas  determined  to  visit  America 
and  arrived  in  New  York  soon  after  he  had  completed  his  18th  year. 
Walter  Buchanan,  a  cousin  of  his  father,  was  then  engaged  in  busi- 
ness in  New  York  and  Thomas  in  a  short  time  became  a  partner 
with  Walter.  Their  store  was  for  many  years  in  Queen  Street  oppo- 
site the  upper  end  of  the  Fly-Market  and  their  business  was  princi- 
pally confined  to  importing  and  selling  goods  from  Glasgow,  London, 
Liverpool  and  Bristol.  In  1765  they  became  one  of  the  largest  ship- 
owners in  New  York.  The  firm  underwent  several  changes,  Walter 
ultimately  withdrawing,  the  business  eventually  becoming  merged 
in   Thomas   Buchanan   and   Son.     During  the   Revolutionary   War 

52  ROSTER.  [1763 

Thomas  remained  neutral,  retaining  the  esteem  of  both  Americans 
and  British.  To  his  firm  was  consigned  the  cargo  of  tea  in  the 
"Nancy,"  Captain  Lockyer,  which  was  returned  to  London  by  the 
indignant  citizens  of  New  York  in  1774.  In  1775  he  was  one  of  the 
Committee  of  One  Hundred.  At  the  second  meeting  of  the  Chamber 
of  Commerce  in  1768  he  was  elected  a  member,  although  only  in  his 
twenty-fourth  year,  and  from  1780  to  1783  was  Vice-President,  and 
in  the  latter  year  was  elected  President,  but  declined  to  serve. 
Stevens  gives  the  following  portrait  of  him.  "His  hair  was  sandy, 
his  eyes  light  blue,  his  complexion  florid;  he  was  of  middle  height 
and  not  very  stout  in  his  youth  but  grew  larger  with  advancing 
years ;  he  then  wore  his  hair  powdered  and  tied  in  a  cue  which  was 
daily  arranged  with  much  particularity.  His  usual  dress  was  a  blue 
coat  with  bright  buttons,  light  waistcoat,  small  clothes  and  silk  stock- 
ings. He  always  wore  a  white  stock  and  gold  buckles.  The  style  of 
his  dress  was  that  generally  adopted  by  gentlemen  of  the  old  school 
of  his  age  and  position.  His  country  seat  was  on  the  East  River 
near  Hurl  Gate.  He  died  at  his  residence  in  Wall  Street,  Sept.  10, 
1815,  leaving  behind  him  an  unstained  reputation  and  the  example 
of  an  honorable  and  highly  successful  merchant  and  honest  man." 

Manager  1772-73. 

He  was  born  in  Glasgow  and  was  the  first  of  the  family  in  New 
York.  In  1762  he  advertised  in  Gaine's  Neiv  York  Mercury,  March 
15th,  a  variety  of  dry  goods,  "Sagorthees,  duroys,  Plyden  leather 
breeches,  &c,  at  his  Store  on  Peck's  Slip,  next  door  to  the  sign  of 
the  Half  Moon  as  imported  in  the  last  vessels  from  London,  Liver- 
pool and  Glasgow."  In  1770  he  became  a  member  of  the  Chamber  of 
Commerce.  He  remained  in  New  York  during  the  war  but  took  no 
part  in  the  politics  of  the  time ;  he  and  his  cousin  Thomas  were 
distinguished  for  their  kindness  and  hospitality  to  the  prisoners  of 
war.  It  is  to  be  mentioned  to  the  credit  of  the  Buchanans  that  they 
nowhere  appeared  as  engaged  in  privateering,  an  exception  to  the 
almost  universal  practice  of  the  day. 

1763]  st.  Andrew's  society.  53 

Manager  1772-73. 

In  his  early  days  he  was  a  merchant  in  the  Island  of  Jamaica, 
West  Indies.  At  the  breaking  out  of  the  war  he  withdrew  to  Perth 
Amboy.  In  July,  1776,  he  was  arrested  by  Major  Duyckinck  and 
sent  to  General  Livingston  at  Elizabethtown.  He  was  subsequently 
sent  to  the  Provincial  Congress  which  directed  him  to  remain  on 
parole  at  Trenton  and  was  later  permitted  to  live  at  Bordentown. 
He  became  a  member  of  the  Chamber  of  Commerce  Apr.  6,  1773, 
and  an  Honorarv  member  of  the  Marine  Societv. 


In  1763  in  charge  of  the  Alms  House  and  advertises  for  a  "Pub- 
lick  Whipper"  to  whom  "good  encouragement  will  be  given  to  any 
Person  that  may  incline  to  offer."  Evidently  the  inmates  were  not 
permitted  to  be  idle  for  he  advertises  that  he  has  "Oakum,  Candle 
Week,  Shoe  Thread,  and  Garden  Greens"  for  sale  and  that  he  will 
give  ready  money  for  old  junk.  One  is  curious  to  know  why  old 
junk  was  wanted  in  the  Alms  House.  In  1776  he  had  become  an 
Auctioneer  and  Broker  "on  the  Bridge  near  the  Coffee  Mouse"  and 
in  1777  Assistant  Commissary  of  Horse  to  the  Royal  Artillery. 
Dead  in  1784. 


( 1737-1794) 

.  Merchant,  whose  store  in  1761  was  behind  the  Post  Office,  where 
he  sold  Dry  Goods,  also  Rum,  Molasses  and  Sugar.  In  1774  he 
was  a  member  of  the  General  Assembly.  His  record  as  taken  from 
the  Year  Book  of  the  New  York  Society,  Sons  of  the  Revolution,  is 
as  follows : — Col.  10th  Regiment  Albany  Co.,  New  York  Militia, 
Oct.  20,  1775-Sep.  21,  1780;  Member  New  York  Provincial  Con- 
vention Apr.  20,  1775 ;  Member  New  York  Provincial  Congress, 
1775-7;  President  of  same  Sep.  26,  1776-Mar.  6,  1777;  Member 
New  York  Assembly  1780-1.    Died  Nov.  15,  1794. 

54  ROSTER.  [1763 



Secretary  1765-67;  1772-75;  Treasurer  1773-74;  Manager  1784-85; 

Second  Vice-President  1785-87;   1790-91; 

First  Vice-President  1787-88. 

Born  at  Aberdeen  in  the  year  1750.  Importer  of  Scottish  goods, 
doing  business  in  1763  at  the  corner  of  Queen  Street.  At  the  out- 
break of  the  Revolution  was  residing  in  New  York  City.  Being  an 
ardent  partisan  of  his  adopted  country,  he  was  a  "Son  of  Liberty," 
and  raised,  at  his  own  expense,  the  Second  Regiment,  known  as 
Malcom's,  in  which  he  served  as  Major  and  Colonel.  He  became 
Colonel  of  the  16th  Additional  Continental  Regiment  and  retired 
in  1779.  He  became  Deputy  Adjutant-General  of  the  Northern 
Department  under  General  Gates.  At  the  close  of  the  war  he  com- 
manded the  militia  of  New  York  and  Richmond  Counties,  with  the 
rank  of  Brigadier-General.  He  joined  the  Chamber  of  Commerce 
in  1784,  became  Alderman  in  1785,  and  a  member  of  the  Legislature 
for  several  years,    d.  Sept.  1,  1791. 


In   1763  Captain  Middleton  of  sloop  "Industry"   for  Maryland. 
Unable  to  say  that  this  was  our  member. 



Born  at  Strathardle,  Perthshire,  1726.  Entered  the  army  early 
in  life  and  his  career  throughout  was  an  eventful  one.  He  first  saw 
service  with  the  Scottish  Brigade  in  Holland.     In   1756  he  was  on 

1763]  st.  Andrew's  society.  55 

half  pay  and,  on  the  eve  of  the  departure  of  the  42nd  for  America,  he 
received  an  ensigncy,  and,  soon  after  joining,  a  lieutenantcy.  He 
was  with  his  regiment  at  Ticonderoga  in  1758,  accompanied  Am- 
herst the  following  year  in  the  expedition  to  Lake  Champlain  and  in 
1760  went  down  from  Oswego  to  Montreal.  He  served  in  the  West 
Indies  in  1762  and  that  year  was  promoted  to  a  company.  The  Sec- 
ond Battalion  of  the  42nd  then  returned  to  Scotland  and  was  re- 
duced, Small  going  on  half  pay.  In  1765  he  was  appointed  to  a 
company  in  the  21st  or  Royal  North  British  Fusiliers  which  came 
soon  after  to  America.  In  1775  he  received  a  commission  to  raise  a 
corps  of  Highlanders  in  Nova  Scotia  and  was  appointed  Major 
commanding  the  2nd  Battalion  of  the  84th  Royal  Emigrants  and  was 
present  at  the  Battle  of  Bunker  Hill.  In  Trumbull's  painting  of  that 
action  Major  Small's  figure  occupies  a  prominent  place.  He  subse- 
quently served  with  his  regiment  under  Sir  Henry  Clinton  in  New 
York  State.  In  1780  he  was  appointed  Lieutenant-Colonel.  The 
grenadier  company  was  at  the  Battle  of  Eutaw  Springs.  In  1782  he 
was  quartered  in  Long  Island  and  in  1783  the  regiment  was  dis- 
banded. The  men  who  were  Americans,  and  who  enlisted  while  the 
regiment  was  stationed  on  Long  Island,  emigrated  to  Nova  Scotia 
where  they  settled  the  present  town  of  Douglas.  In  1790  Small 
became  a  Colonel  in  the  army  and  in  1793  was  appointed  Lieutenant- 
Governor  of  Guernsey.  He  was  promoted  to  the  rank  of  Major- 
General  in  1794  and  died  at  Guernsey,  March  17,  1796,  in  the  70th 
year  of  his  age. — From  MacLcan's  "Highlanders  in  America." 

A  Wine  Merchant  of  this  city. 

56  ROSTER.  [1764 



Master  of  the  "Manufacturer*'  in  the  Bristol  trade. 



Born  Scotland,  1728;  3rd  son  of  Sir  Gilbert  Elliott,  Bart.,  Lord 
Justice  Clerk  of  Scotland;  he  was  uncle  of  the  first  Earl  of  Minto; 
while  very  young  was  sent  to  Philadelphia  and  served  as  an 
apprentice  in  a  counting  house  there,  and  afterward  entered  into 
mercantile  life ;  through  the  influence  of  his  brother  Gilbert,  mem- 
ber for  Selkirk,  and  confidant  and  counselor  of  Lord  Bute,  he  was 
appointed,  on  the  death  of  Archibald  Kennedy,  Collector  of  the  Port 
of  New  York,  by  commission  dated  Jan.  19.  1764,  which  office  he 
held  until  the  evacuation  of  the  city;  visited  Scotland  in  1763;  was 
appointed  in  1780  His  Majesty's  Lieutenant-Governor  and  admin- 
istered the  Royalist  government  from  17th  April  to  26th  November. 
1783  ;  m.  a  Philadelphia  lady  and  her  property  in  that  State  was 
consequently  confiscated  ;  his  daughter  Elizabeth  married  in  June, 
1779,  Lord,  afterwards  Earl  Cathcart,  then  a  Major  in  the  38th 
Regiment  of  foot ;  he  was  one  of  three  persons  sent  to  Washington 
to  intercede  for  Andre:  his  country  seat  was  called  "Minto"  on  the 
Bowery  Road  near  Ninth  Street:  as  an  evidence  of  the  esteem  in 
which  he  was  held  his  property  in  New  York  was  not  confiscated; 
the  Elliott  estate  in  Greenwich  village  was  sold  to  Randall  in  1790 
for  £5.000  and  is  now  Sailors  Snug  Harbor  property:  he  returned 
to  Scotland  in  1783  and  died  in  May.  1797.  at  Mount  Teviot  in  Rox- 

1764]  st-  Andrew's  society.  57 


In  1764  Master  of  the  ship  "George  and  John"  for  London  with 
passengers  and  freight. 

Manager  1766-72;  Treasurer  1774-75. 

In  Rivington's  "Neiv  York  Loyal  Gazette"  appears  the  following 
advertisement  i  "Donald  McLean,  surgeon  of  the  late  77th  Regiment, 
has  just  received  a  large  importation  of  Genuine  Drugs  and  Medi- 
cines, &c. ;"  in  1766  had  become  McLean  and  Treat,  with  Drug 
Store  in  Hanover  Square:  in  1771  partnership  is  dissolved,  McLean 
to  continue :  in  1774  removed  to  Water  Street,  five  doors  west  of 
the  Coffee  House;  on  Dec.  30th,  1776,  the  following  advertisement 
appears :  "Is  now  happily  delivered  from  his  late  captivity  and  again 
returned  to  this  city  to  his  former  place  of  residence  in  Water 
Street."  He  probably  had  visited  his  old  companions  in  arms  and 
had  been  captured.  Captain  McDonald  in  one  of  his  letters  to 
McLean  jocularly  remarks  that  they  proceeded  to  "Teach  you  the 
Method  of  Riding  upon  a  Raile  &  Such  other  Manly  Exercises  as 
breaking  your  head,  &c."  Married  June  29,  1780,  Henrietta  Mc- 
Donald of  Invernessshire.  dau.  of  Capt.  Allan  McDonald  of  the  84th 
Regt.  Miss  McDonald,  her.  mother  and  sister,  had  been  virtually 
prisoners  for  three  years  at  Schenectady. 


(1724- 1 772) 

Fourth  son  of  the  6th  Earl  of  Lauderdale,  was  born  in  1724, 
obtained  a  company  in  the  43rd  Regiment  Sept.,  1754;  was  Adjutant- 
General  to  the  British  troops  under  Wolfe  at  Quebec,  with  the  rank 
of  Lieutenant-Colonel :  was  appointed  by  General  Murray  to  carry 
home  the  tidings  of  the  victory.  He  received  the  rank  of  Colonel  in 
1772  and  died  July  13th,  1772,  leaving,  by  his  wife,  an  American 
lady,  four  sons,  the  youngest  of  whom.  James,  followed  his  father's 
profession,  and  as  Lieutenant-Colonel  of  the  75th  Regiment  fell  at 
the  head  of  the  storming  party  at  Bhurtpore  in  1805.  Col.  Maitland 
was  buried  in  Trinity  Church  Yard. 

58    *  ROSTER.  [1764 


In  1767  Master  of  the  ship  "Queen  of  Spain,"  trading  to  Poole; 
member  Marine  Society  Dec.  23,  1795. 


Of  Philadelphia.  Commissary  of  Naval  Prisoners ;  keeper  of  the 
Prison  Ships.  Previous  to  the  Revolution  he  was  a  merchant.  The 
mortality  of  persons  under  his  care,  at  New  York,  was  very  great, 
but  it  is  impossible  to  state  facts  which  concern  him  personally  with 
accuracy.  He  was  attainted  of  treason  in  Philadelphia  and  his 
estate  forfeited.  He  died  at  his  house  in  Kirkcudbright  in  1799, 
aged  64. — Sabine.  Born  in  the  Parish  of  Kirkcudbright,  Scotland, 
came  to  this  country  in  1760  and  became  a  merchant  of  Philadelphia. 
In  1779  he  came  to  New  York  and  received  the  appointment  of 
Commissary-General  of  Naval  Prisoners.  From  time  to  time  he 
acted  in  a  similar  capacity  with  reference  to  army  prisoners  and  it 
was  he  who  participated  in  the  exchange  of  British  soldiers  taken 
at  Saratoga  and  Yorktown.  Mr.  Morrison  in  his  sketch  of  Robert 
Lenox,  referring  to  David  Sproat,  says :  "In  this  connection,  it  is  an 
interesting  fact  that  the  Continental  Congress  upon  the  recommen- 
dation of  Robert  Morris,  then  Superintendent  of  Finance,  voted 
that  upwards  of  £550  currency  should  be  repaid  Mr.  Sproat  for 
moneys  personally  advanced  by  him  for  the  relief  of  American  naval 


In  1750  master  of  the  sloop  "Success"  and  captured  by  the 
French;  in  1756  master  of  the  sloop  "Betsy";  commanded  several 
vessels  down  to  1768;  in  1770  he  became  a  member  of  the  Marine 
Society  and  in  1776  he  left  the  sea  and  had  a  store  in  Water  Street 
where  he  sold  all  kinds  of  merchandise. 

1765]  st.  Andrew's  society.  59 



Surgeon  in  the  Royal  Artillery.    With  Braddock  in  his  campaign. 


Lieutenant  Engineers  Aug.  25,  1776;  styled  in  Army  List  Prac- 
titioner Engineer  and  Ensign  ;  Engineer  Extraordinary  as  Captain- 
Lieutenant  Mar.  17,  1759. 


I  find  no  reference  to  this  member  unless  the  following  advertise- 
ment, which  appeared  in  the  Mercury  of  September  28.  1778,  refers 
to  him  "A  Surgeon  is  willing  to  go  with  an  armed  ship  to  Great 
Britain  or  Ireland.  A  line  directed  to  A.  C.  left  at  the  printer's,  will 
be  attended  to." 

Lieutenant  44th  Regiment  June  6,  1757;  Captain  July  22,  1758. 

*  The  identification  of  Dr.  Blair  comes  under  the  head  of  the  "Romance  of 
Research."  After  examining  about  fifty  volumes  of  newspapers  and  a  very 
large  number  of  other  authorities,  I  found  Dr.  Blair  in  the  following  manner. 
Seeing  an  advertisement  of  John  Duncan  of  Schenectady  for  a  runaway  negro 
slave,  I  read  the  description  out  of  curiosity,  and  at  the  end  came  a  list  of  the 
slave's  employers  and  Dr.  Blair  turned  out  to  be  the  first. 

60  ROSTER.  [1765 


Secretary  to  Sir  Henry  Moore,  was  appointed  by  him  Register 
of  the  Prerogative  Court  in  1766. 


Major  in  the  New  York  Volunteers;  in  1776  at  Halifax  under 
General  Howe;  killed  1777  in  the  storming  of  Forts  Montgomery 
and  Clinton.  His  widow  perished  in  1787,  of  cold  and  exposure 
when  wrecked  near  St.  John,  N.  B.,  when  crossing  the  bay  of 
Fundy. — Sabine. 


In  1765  master  of  the  ship  "Elizabeth"  trading  to  London;  in 
the  snow  "Thistle"  to  Londonderry ;  in  1775  in  the  ship  "John"  to 
Dublin  and  Glasgow;  in  1778  in  the  ship  "Montgomery"  for  Glas- 
gow, Thos.  Buchanan  &  Co.,  Agents. 


b.  Kelso,  Roxburghshire,  Scotland,  Dec.  4,  1727.  He  received  his 
academical  education  in  his  native  town,  and  afterwards  studied  for 
the  ministry  at  the  University  of  Edinburgh.  He  was  ordained  in 
1759,  and  was  immediately  installed  pastor  of  the  English  church 
in  Flushing,  on  the  island  of  Walcheren,  Netherlands.  Here  he 
labored  for  four  years,  when  he  received  a  call  to  the  Collegiate 
Dutch  Reformed  Church  of  New  York.  He  arrived  at  New  York 
on  Mar.  29,  1764,  and  on  Apr.  15  following  preached  his  first 
sermon.  He  was  the  first  minister  of  the  Dutch  Church  in  America 
to  preach  in  English.  A  man  of  distinguished  talents  and  able 
theologian,  he  was  eminently  successful  as  a  preacher,  but  his  minis- 
terial labors  were  interrupted  by  the  Revolutionary  War.  From 
the  scenes  of  agitation  and  peril  that  were  occurring  in  the  city  of 

1765]  ST.  ANDREWS  SOCIETY.  6l 

New  York,  he  found  a  refuge  at  Red  Hook,  where  he  remained  till 
the  close  of  his  life.  In  1770  he  published  an  English  translation  of 
the  Heidelberg  Catechism  for  the  use  of  his  church,  and  the  same 
year  the  degree  of  D.D.  was  conferred  on  him  by  the  College  of 
New  Jersey.  He  died  at  Red  Hook,  New  York,  Nov.  14,  1779. — 
The  Nat.  Cyclo.  of  Amcr.  Biog.  Chaplain  to  1st  Battalion  of  Inde- 
pendent Minute  Men. 

(His  name  appears  on  Roll  as  Laidlaw.) 

Lieutenant  60th  Regiment  May  30,  1759;  Captain  Royal  High- 
land Emigrants  June  14,  1775. 


Manager  1774-75. 

A  native  of  Glasgow,  this  being  peculiarly  a  Glasgow  name. 
There  are  Pagans  there  still.  In  1766  he  was  master  of  the  sloop 
"Britannia"  trading  to  St.  Eustatia ;  in  1769  admitted  Freeman;  in 
1773  he  was  doing  business  as  shipping  agent;  in  1774  he  has  for 
sale  a  "quantity  of  Indian  Corn  and  Black  Eyed  Pease,  also  a  few 
Packs  of  Southern  Beaver  fit  for  shipping" ;  in  1776  he  was  one  of 
the  addressors  of  Lord  Howe.  In  1777  the  firm  was  Robert  Pagan 
&  Co.,  in  the  Pry  Goods  business  in  Queen  Street.  In  1778  he  kept 
a  provision  store  under  his  own  name.  There  were  three  brothers, 
all  born  in  Glasgow,  and  all  were  Loyalists.  William  settled  in 
Falmouth,  New  Brunswick,  and  became  a  member  of  the  House  of 
Assembly.    He  died  at  Fredericton  Mar.  12,  1819. 


Came  to  Schenectady  from  London  and  associated  himself  with 
John  Duncan  of  Montreal  and  carried  on  a  most  extensive  business 
with  Montreal  and  the  great  Lakes.     After  a  time  Duncan  retired 

62  ROSTER.  [!76s,   1/66 

from  the  firm  with  a  fortune  and  settled  in  Schenectady.  Phyn  then 
took  into  partnership  with  him  four  brothers  named  Ellice,  all  of 
whom  made  fortunes.  In  the  Colonial  Documents  I  find  the  follow- 
ing reference  to  James  Phyn.  Colonel  Guy  Johnson  in  a  letter  to 
the  Earl  of  Dartmouth  dated  Oct.  6,  1774,  speaks  of  the  bearer 
"Mr.  Phyn,  a  Mercht  of  good  credit  and  most  fair  character  is 
returning  to  London,"  and  further  says  that  "this  Gentleman's  ex- 
tensive acquaintance  with  the  back  Country,  &  his  strict  integrity 
enables  him  to  answer  any  occuring  Questions  in  the  compass  of  his 
knowledge  in  a  candid  &  satisfactory  manner."  He  and  Mrs.  Phyn 
and  family  left  for  Europe  in  November  of  1774. 

Master  of  the  snow  "Enterprise"  trading  to  Newcastle-on-Tyne. 




"Living  next  door  to  Widow  Douglas  at  the  Back  of  the  New 
Gaol,  nigh  the  Barracks."  Teaches  Reading,  Writing,  Latin,  Arith- 
metic, Vulgar  and  Decimal.    Opened  his  school  Sept.  19,  1764. 


In  1767  master  of  the  ship  "Mary"  from  Cork.  Member  Marine 
Society  Apr.  24,  1770.  In  1778  master  of  the  brig  "Fanny"  for 

Ij6/]  ST.  ANDREWS  SOCIETY.  63 



Artist.     Gilbert  Stuart  was  his  pupil,  and  Alexander,  when  he 
returned  to  Scotland,  took  Stuart  with  him. 

Honorary  member  of  the  Marine  Society  in  1772. 



Second  son  of  James  Campbell  of  Inverneil,  and  born  at  Inver- 
neil  Aug.  21,  1739.  Entered  die  army  1757  as  Captain  in  the 
78th  and  served  throughout  the  campaign,  and  was  wounded  at 
the  taking  of  Quebec.  In  1764  the  regiment  was  disbanded  and 
Campbell  was  transferred  to  the  29th  and  afterwards  promoted 
major  and  lieutenant-colonel  in  the  42nd,  with  which  he  served 
in  India  till  1773,  when  he  returned  to  Scotland  and  was  elected 
M.  P.  for  the  Stirling  burghs  in  1774.  In  1775  Simon  Fraser 
raised  another  regiment,  the  71st,  and  Campbell  was  selected  by  him 
as  Lieutenant-Colonel  of  the  Second  Battalion.  On  his  arrival  in 
America,  he  was  captured  in  Boston  harbor  while  the  city  was  in 
the  hands  of  the  Americans,  was  held  a  prisoner  until  exchanged  for 
Ethan  Allen  the  following  year.  He  was  then  appointed  a  Brigadier- 
General  and  given  command  of  the  expedition  against  Georgia.  He 
was  entirely  successful,  seizing  Savannah  with  the  loss  of  only  four 
killed  and  five  wounded.  The  following  year  he  was  superseded, 
and  disagreeing  with  his  successor,  returned  to  England  on  leave. 
He  was  promoted  Colonel  and  in  1782  Major-General  and  Governor 
of  Jamaica.    His  efforts  in  defence  of  the  West  India  Islands  against 

64  ROSTER.  [1767 

the  French  were  entirely  successful,  and  the  assistance  rendered  the 
forces  in  America  in  the  way  of  supplies,  information  and  reinforce- 
ments was  of  immense  benefit.  For  his  services  he  was  invested  a 
Knight  of  the  Bath  in  1785  and  appointed  Governor  and  Com- 
mander-in-Chief at  Madras.  In  1787  he  was  appointed  Colonel  of 
the  74th  Highlanders.  In  1789  he  returned  in  ill  health  to  Scotland 
and  was  at  once  re-elected  M.  P.  for  the  Stirling  burghs.  He  died 
Mar.  31,  1 791,  and  was  buried  in  Westminster  Abbey,  where  a 
monument  was  erected  to  him  in  the  Poets  Corner. — Diet.  Nat.  Biog. 

Manager  1772-73. 

Representative  head  of  the  family  of  McDonald  of  Ardnamur- 
chan,  and  although  the  estate  had  been  sold  by  his  grandfather 
Angus,  he  was  still  regarded  as  of  Ardnamurchan.  On  the  outbreak 
of  the  French  and  Indian  War  he  was  commissioned  Lieutenant  in 
77th  Montgomery's  Highlanders  and  served  through  the  war  with 
that  regiment,  distinguishing  himself  in  the  expedition  to  Fort 
Duquesne.  He  was  wounded  in  the  attack  while  with  the  advance 
guard  under  Major  Grant  of  Ballindalloch.  At  the  end  of  the  war 
he  settled  in  the  vicinity  of  New  York  and  went  into  business  as  a 
wine  merchant  in  this  city.  In  1766  he  advertises  his  farm  of  eighty- 
two  acres  at  New  Rochelle  at  private  sale.  In  1767  he  is  in  business 
near  the  Merchants  Coffee  House,  where  he  sells  Dry  Goods,  Wines 
and  Hand  Organs.  In  1769  made  an  assignment  to  William  Neilson 
and  in  the  same  year  became  a  member  of  the  Chamber  of  Com- 
merce. In  1770  he  had  moved  to  King  Street  and  was  again  in 
business,  where,  according  to  Stevens,  he  bartered  Madeira  wine  for 
country  produce  and  gave  notice  that  "the  one  article  is  to  be  re- 
ceived when  the  other  is  delivered"  ;  in  177},  hi*  house  in  King  Street 
is  to  let.  In  1775,  Stevens  says  that  "he  was  charged  on  the  14th 
of  June,  in  the  Provincial  Congress  'with  concerting  measures  and 
employing  agents  to  enlist  men,  to  be  employed  against  the  liberties 
of  America.'     A  Committee  was  sent  to  Staten  Island    (where  he 

*Stevens  in  his  Chamber  of  Commerce  Records  says  that  Captain  McDonald 
was  a  sea  captain,  but  in  this  he  was  mistaken. 

1767]  st.  Andrew's  society.  65 

also  had  a  farm  and  which  he  made  his  home),  to  arrest  him  and 
search  his  house,  but  they  reported  that  he  had  gone  to  Boston  and 
that  they  found  'no  papers  relating  to  the  raising  of  troops.'  "  The 
report  had,  however,  a  basis  of  truth,  for  McDonald,  with  Allan  Mc- 
Lean, was  then  in  Boston  interviewing  the  British  General  and 
offering  to  raise  men  to  form  two  battalions,  which  they  ultimately 
did  and  which  became  known  as  the  84th  or  Royal  Highland  Emi- 
grants, in  which  McDonald  received  a  Captaincy.  In  his  letters 
from  Halifax  to  William  McAdam  and  others  he  complains  of  the 
brutal  treatment  accorded  his  wife  and  family,  and  wonders  why  he 
who  had  served  his  King  and  country  for  over  thirty  years,  should 
be  condemned  to  death  by  his  former  neighbors  for  simply  doing  his 
duty.  His  Letter  Book,  which  contains  much  interesting  informa- 
tion, was  published  by  the  New  York  Historical  Society. 


President  1773-74. 

(See  Morrison's  History.) 


In  command  of  the  First  Battalion  71st  Fraser's  and  the  Light 
Infantry  in  the  expedition  to  Savannah,  December,  1777.  Suc- 
ceeded Colonel  Campbell  as  Lieutenant-Colonel  of  the  71st  Fraser's. 
One  of  the  first  who  died,  after  the  cessation  of  hostilities,  was  the 
Honourable  Lieutenant-Colonel  Maitland,  son  of  the  Earl  of  Lauder- 

*  Brother  of  Colonel  the  Honorable  Richard  Maitland  who  joined  the  Society 
in  1764. 

66  ROSTER.  [J768 

dale.  Fie  was  originally  in  the  Marines,  but  as  this  service  did  not 
afford  a  sufficient  field  for  his  active  and  enterprising  mind,  he  was 
transferred  to  the  line,  and  appointed  Major  to  Fraser's  Flighlanders. 
His  arrival  at  Savannah,  at  a  most  critical  moment,  inspired  con- 
fidence in  his  friends,  while  it  struck  the  enemy  with  surprise,  as 
they  did  not  expect  he  would  be  able  to  penetrate  by  a  circuitous 
route,  after  they  had  secured  the  fords  and  passes.  Colonel  Mait- 
land  lived  in  the  trenches  with  the  soldiers,  and,  "by  his  courage,  his 
kindness  of  heart,  and  affability  to  his  men,  secured  their  affection 
and  fidelity.  His  dialect  was  Scotch : — proceeding  from  a  tongue 
which  never  spoke  in  disguise,  it  carried  conviction  to  all.  Equally 
brave,  generous,  and  unassuming,  his  memory  will  be  respected  while 
manly  fortitude,  unstained  honor,  and  military  talents,  are  held  in 
estimation."  Durng  the  skirmishing  warfare  in  New  Jersey  and 
Pennsylvania,  in  the  years  1776  and  1777,  he  was  particularly  active. 
Ever  on  the  alert,  and  having  his  Flighlanders  always  ready,  he 
attracted  the  particular  notice  of  Washington.  Some  communica- 
tions having  passed  between  them  as  old  acquaintances,  although 
then  opposed  as  enemies,  Colonel  Maitland  sent  intimation  to  the 
American  commander  that  in  future  his  men  would  be  distinguished 
by  a  red  feather  in  their  bonnets,  so  that  he  could  not  mistake  them, 
nor  avoid  doing  justice  to  their  exploits,  in  annoying  his  posts,  and 
obstructing  his  convoys  and  detachments ;  adding,  that  General 
Washington  was  too  liberal  not  to  acknowledge  merit  even  in  an 
enemy.  Fraser's  Highlanders  wore  the  red  feather  after  Colonel 
Maitland's  death,  and  continued  to  do  so  till  the  conclusion  of  the 
war.  Such  was  the  origin  of  the  red  feather  subsequently  worn  in 
the  Highland  bonnet.  In  the  year  1795,  the  red  feather  was  assumed 
by  the  Royal  Highland  Regiment. 


General  John  Scot  was  a  descendant  of  Sir  John  Scot,  who  published 
the  earliest  topographical  work  on  Scotland  and  who  was  knighted 
in  1 617.  General  Scot  succeeded  to  the  Barony  of  Scotstarvit  about 
1766  and  was  the  last  of  the  Barons,  as  he  was  also  the  last  direct 
male  descendant  of  the  Scots  of  Buccleugh.  He  was  quite  as  eccen- 
tric as  his  illustrious  progenitor.     He  chose  the  army  as  his  pro- 

1768]  ST-  Andrew's  society.  67 

fession  and  in  1754  he  held  a  Captaincy  in  the  62nd  Royal  American 
Regiment  under  Sir  John  St.  Clair.  In  1761  he  was  Colonel  of  the 
3rd  Regiment  of  Guards,  in  1768  Colonel  of  the  26th  Cameronians 
and  in  1770  Major-General.  He  organized  the  British  forces  in 
New  York  at  the  time  of  the  Revolution.  He  sat  continuously  in 
Parliament  for  over  twenty  years  as  member  from  Fifeshire  from 
1768  until  his  death.  About  1763  he  purchased  Balcomie  Castle,  and 
its  lofty  tower,  which  still  remains,  forms  a  well-known  sea  mark. 
His  three  daughters  married  into  the  peerage  and  became  respec- 
tively Duchess,  Countess  and  Viscountess.  General  Scot  died  at 
Balcomie  Castle  Dec.  20.  1775,  and  was  buried  in  the  old  church 
yard  of  Kilrenny,  where  a  splendid  mausoleum  was  erected  by  the 
Duchess  of  Portland  in  memory  of  her  father. 

(His  name  appears  on  our  Roll  as  Colin  Scott,  the  manner  in  which  the  word 
Colonel  was  written  leading  to  the  mistake.) 




The  grandfather  of  James  was  Kenneth,  third  Lord  Duffus,  who 
was  a  brave  naval  officer  and  attainted  in  1715  for  his  share  in  the 
Rebellion  of  that  year.  James  was  appointed  Lieutenant  in  the  26th 
Cameronians  and  came  out  in  the  year  1768.  After  reaching  the 
rank  of  Lieutenant-Colonel  he  retired  from  the  army,  and  settled  on 
his  estates  in  Caithness.  The  family  honors  were  restored  to  him 
in  1826,  and  Lord  Duffus  died  the  following  year  at  the  advanced 
age  of  eighty  years. 


Senior  member  of  the  firm  of  Hugh  and  Alexander  Wallace,  in 
the  Irish  linen  trade  in  later  days,  while  in  1759  they  carried  on  a 
more  general  trade,  including  wines  and  liquors,  spices,  dried  cod- 
fish, shirts,  shoes  and  stockings.  &c.  They  were  merchants  of 
wealth  and  position  and  both  married  sisters,  daughters  of  Cornelius 
Low   of   Raritan,    New   Jersey.      Hugh    the   elder   brother,   became 

68  ROSTER.  [1768 

President  of  the  Chamber  of  Commerce,  and  member  of  the  Gover- 
nor's Council.  His  mansion  was  on  Dock  Street  and  was  the  resort 
of  the  great  dignitaries  of  the  Province,  and  his  manner  of  life  was 
costly  and  elegant.  He  remained  in  New  York  during  the  Revolu- 
tion and  in  August,  1776,  was  apprehended  by  orders  from  Wash- 
ington because  he  had  declined  to  take  the  oath  of  allegiance  to 
Congress,  and  was  sent  to  Connecticut  in  care  of  Governor  Trum- 
bull. Finally,  he  and  his  brother  Alexander  were  allowed  to  go  to 
Long  Island  on  parole.  Three  years  later  they  were  attainted  and 
if  found  on  State  soil  were  to  be  seized  and  punished  with  death 
"without  benefit  of  clergy."  The  City  was,  however,  occupied  by  the 
British,  and  Wallace  remained  until  the  evacuation,  when  he  re- 
turned to  Waterford,  Ireland,  and  died  in  1788. 



"Charles  Aitken,  Esq.,  gentleman  of  large  fortune  in  the  Island  of 
St.  Croix,"  who  frequently  visited  New  York  and  who,  on  one  of  his 
visits,  married  Cornelia  Beekman  in  the  year  1771.  Honorary  Mem- 
ber of  Marine  Society  under  the  name  of  Charles  Aikens. 

(Appears  on  our  Roll  as  Ailkins  on  account  of  an  uncrossed  "t".) 


Was  commissioned  a  Lieutenant  in  the  60th  Royal  Americans 
Feb.  9,  1756,  and  promoted  to  be  Captain  Sept.  15,  1760.  He  went 
on  half  pay  in  1763,  and  returned  to  the  regiment  in  January,  1764; 
became  Major  of  the  3rd  Battalion  Sept.  22,  1775,  and  died  1777, — 
Col.  Doc.  Vol.  X.  p.  1007.  On  June  11,  1772,  married  Molly  Living- 
ston, daughter  of  Peter  Van  Brugh  Livingston. 

1769]  st.  Andrew's  society.  69 


Ship  Captain;  cast  away  on  Cape  Sable  1764;  in  1769  master  of 
the  "Pearl,"  which  arrived  in  New  York  Oct.  23  from  the  Straits  of 


In  the  Shoe  business  in  the  Fly-Market,  where  he  sold  "English 
Boot  Legs,  Sole  Leather,  and  men's  and  women's  shoes."  In  1778 
he  advertises  that  he  will  soon  quit  business. 


Captain  in  the  44th  Regiment  Dec.  10,  1768;  Major  July  23,  1772. 
Sabine  says  that  in  the  Revolution  one  of  this  name  was  a  Loyalist 
Captain  in  the  Second  Battalion  New  Jersey  Volunteers.  Do  not 
know  whether  they  were  one  and  the  same. 


In  1761  engaged  in  the  African  slave  trade;  in  1763  advertises 
a  "Parcel  of  fine  Young  healthy  Slaves  most  of  which  have  had  the 
small  Pox";  commanded  several  vessels  up  to  1771,  beyond  which 
date  his  sea  service  has  not  been  traced ;  in  1770  he  became  a  member 
of  the  Marine  Society  and  in  1786  a  Resident  member  of  our  Society, 
he  being  up  to  that  date  an  Honorary  member  ;  in  1789  he  was  in  busi- 
ness at  2  Duke  Street;  in  1785  he  contributed  £5.  to  Saint  Andrew's 
Hall  and  in  1791  promised  £5.  additional.  He  was  alive  in  1794 
when  his  subscription  was  returned  to  him.  Owned  one  share  in 
the  Tontine  Coffee  House. 


Surgeon  in  the  60th  Royal  American  Regiment.  This  is  the  same 
man  noted  in  the  year  1759.  The  number  of  his  regiment  only  had 

*  Did  this  officer  become  Major  of  the  71st? 

70  ROSTER.  [1769 


In  the  employment  of  George  and  John  Buchanan  of  Glasgow, 
and  regularly  consigned  to  Walter  and  Thomas  Buchanan,  their 
agents  here;  in  1766  master  of  the  snow  "Thistle"  of  Glasgow;  in 
1771  of  the  ship  "Buchanan";  in  1774  member  of  the  Marine 
Society;  in  1777  master  of  the  ship  "Patty,"  a  Letter  of  Marque, 
sixteen  guns  and  twenty-nine  men ;  attacked  while  on  his  voyage 
from  Teneriffe  to  New  York  by  two  Privateers,  one  of  fourteen, 
the  other  of  sixteen  guns  and  succeeded  in  beating  them  off.  Wounded 
in  another  engagement  in  1780  with  an  American  frigate  of  26  guns 
hailing  from  Salem,  Mass. 

(1722- 1 774) 

Son  of  William  Ogilvie,  youngest  son  of  Sir  Walter  Ogilvie, 
afterwards  Baron  Ogilvie  of  Deskford;  b.  New  York  City,  1722; 
d.  there  Nov.  26,  1774.  He  graduated  at  Yale  in  1748  in  the  same 
class  with  Bishop  Seabury.  After  receiving  orders,  was  appointed 
to  the  mission  to  the  Mohawk  Indians,  among  whom  he  labored  for 
ten  years.  He  was  appointed  Chaplain  to  the  Royal  American  Regi- 
ment and  was  present  in  every  campaign  during  the  French  and 
Indian  War.  He  was  with  Sir  William  Johnson  in  1759  and  the 
next  year  with  General  Amherst  in  his  expedition  against  Canada. 
In  1764  he  was  appointed  Assistant  Minister  in  Trinity  Church, 
New  York,  which  post  he  held  during  the  remaining  ten  years  of  his 
life.  He  received  the  degree  of  D.D.  from  King's  College  in  1770 
and  soon  after  from  the  LTniversity  of  Aberdeen.  Mrs.  Grant  of 
Laggan  says  he  "was  highly  respected  and  indeed  much  loved  by 
all  who  were  capable  of  appreciating  his  merit.  His  appearance  was 
singularly  prepossessing;  his  address  and  manners  entirely  those 
of  a  gentleman.  His  abilities  were  respectable,  his  doctrine  was  pure 
and  scriptural,  and  his  life  exemplary,  both  as  a  clergyman,  and  in 
his  domestic  circle,  where  he  was  peculiarly  amiable ;  add  to  all  this 
a  talent  for  conversation,  extensive  reading,  and  a  thorough  knowl- 
edge of  life." 

1769]  st.  Andrew's  society.  71 

(1729- 1 800) 

b.  Ireland  in  1729;  his  grandfather  of  the  same  name  was  a 
Scottish  officer  of  dragoons,  who  for  services  in  the  battle  of  the 
Boyne,  was  given  an  estate  in  Ireland.  The  younger  Charles  came 
to  this  country  in  1750  and  became  a  deputy  Surveyor-General  of 
the  province  of  Pennsylvania.  In  1774  he  was  a  member  of  the  con- 
vention in  New  Jersey  that  issued  a  declaration  of  rights,  and  in 
1775  a  delegate  to  its  first  provincial  congress.  By  his  adopted  State 
he  was  made  Colonel  of  its  first  regiment  of  the  line,  and  in  1777 
was  appointed  by  congress  Commissary-General  of  Issues  in  the 
Continental  army,  serving  as  such  on  Washington's  Staff  until  the 
close  of  the  War.  In  1784-5  he  was  a  representative  from  New 
Jersey  in  Congress.  He  died  at  Flemington,  New  Jersey,  July  24, 


In  1764  Druggist  and  "Chymist"  from  London,  succeeding  James 
Murray,  whose  place  of  business  was  opposite  the  Meal  Market.  In 
1767  he  was  at  the  Golden  Head,  having  removed  from  between 
Burling's  and  Beekman's  Slips  to  House  lately  occupied  by  Walter 
and  Thomas  Buchanan  in  Queen  Street,  between  Hanover  Square 
and  the  Fly-Market,  where  he  remained  as  late  as  1774.  In  1778  at 
corner  of  Water  Street  and  the  Fly-Market.  In  1780  sold  his  busi- 
ness and  left  the  country.  In  1781  in  London,  shipping  drugs  to 
New  York  druggists. 



William  Anstruther  obtained  a  commission  as  Lieutenant  in  the 
26th  Foot  Jan.  12,  1757  and  a  company  in  the  same  regiment  in  1766. 
He  was  taken  prisoner  by  the  American  forces  under  Montgomery 
at  St.  Johns,  Nov.  3,  1775,  and  sent  with  his  regiment  to  Reading, 

72  ROSTER.  [x770 

Pennsylvania,  where  they  remained  until  exchanged.  Government 
having  formed  a  corps  called  Donken's  Royal  Garrison  Battalion, 
Captain  Anstruther  was  commissioned  Major  in  it  on  Oct.  26,  1779. 
In  1790  he  became  Captain  of  one  of  the  companies  of  Royal  Invalids 
stationed  on  the  Island  of  Jersey;  Commandant  in  1794,  and  Colonel 
in  1795.    He  died  in  1807. 


In  August,  1770,  Dougal  Campbell,  Esq.,  of  Charleston,  S.  C, 
landed  in  New  York  on  his  way  to  Canada.  A  day  or  two  after 
his  arrival  at  Lake  George  he  was  seen  to  enter  the  woods  and  on  his 
not  returning,  search  parties  were  organized,  but  no  trace  of  him 
was  ever  found.  His  next  of  kin  was  Lieut.  George  Robertson  of 
H.  M.  S.  Fowey  and  Campbell's  estate  was  handed  over  to  him. 

President  1770-71. 

(See  Morrison's  History.) 


Captain  Edward  Foy  received  a  commission  of  1st  Lieutenant  in 
the  Royal  Artillery  on  the  2nd  of  April,  1757,  and  became  Captain- 
Lieutenant  on  Jan.  1,  1759.  In  the  month  of  July  following,  he 
acted  with  such  bravery  at  the  battle  of  Minden,  as  to  be  specially 
distinguished  on  the  day  after  the  battle  by  the  Commander-in-Chief 
in  his  address  to  the  army.  He  was  promoted  to  a  captaincy  in  Feb. 
1764,  and  accompanied  Lord  Dunmore.  as  his  private  secretary,  to 
New  York  in  1770,  and  went  thence  with  his  Lordship  to  Virginia 
in  1772.  He  was  gazetted  Lieutenant-Governor  of  New  Hampshire 
in  July,  1774.  During  his  stay  in  Virginia,  Captain  Foy  unfortu- 
nately shared  much  of  the  odium  that  attached  to  the  Governor,  with 
whom  he  retired  on  board  the  "Fowey"  on  June  8,  1775.  In  the 
address  of  the  House  of  Burgesses  on  the  19th  of  June  following, 

1 7~°]  st.  Andrew's  society.  73 

they  accuse  the  Governor  of  "giving  too  much  credit  to  some  persons 
who  to  the  great  injury  to  the  community,  possessed  much  too  large 
a  share  of  his  Lordship's  confidence,"  alluding  to  Captain  Foy,  "an 
Englishman  of  violent  passions  and  hostile  prejudices  against  us," 
who  was  considered  Governor  de  facto.  The  Countess  of  Dunmore 
sailed  soon  after  and  arrived  in  England  in  August,  1775.  Captain 
Foy  returned  home  about  the  same  time  with  despatches  for  the 
Ministry,  and  at  the  close  of  the  following  year  his  name  is  found 
countersigned  to  an  official  paper  issued  at  Crown  Point  by  Governor 
Carleton  of  Canada,  shortly  after  his  defeat  of  the  American  Fleet 
on  Lake  Champlain.  Captain  Foy's  name  disappears  in  1780  from 
the  Army  List. — Col.  Doc.  Vol.  VIII.  p.  323.  m.  July  26,  1772, 
Hannah  Van  Home  daughter  of  John  Van  Home  of  Kills  Hall,  and 
in  1773  had  a  son  born  to  him. 


Received  his  commission  as  Captain  in  the  Royal  Navy  Apr.  4, 
1757;  in  Dec.  1763  he  was  in  command  of  the  "Blonde"  32  guns. 
He  is  best  known  as,  for  many  years,  the  Captain  of  the  "Coventry" 
a  28  gun  ship.  During  the  Stamp  Act  excitement  Governor  Colden 
proposed  to  put  the  instruments  aboard  this  ship,  but  Captain 
Kennedy  declined  to  receive  them  and  was  placed  under  arrest  at 
Morristown,  New  Jersey,  by  the  Colonial  Authorities,  but  was  after- 
wards placed  on  parole.  In  1777  he  was  suspected  of  giving  aid  to 
the  enemy,  through  his  wife,  a  daughter  of  John  Watts.  His  prop- 
erty consisted  of  several  houses  situated  at  the  lower  end  of  Broad- 
way, the  Kennedy  house  remaining  until  a  few  years  ago.  He 
succeeded  to  the  title  of  Earl  of  Cassilis  in  1792  and  died  Dec.  29, 


Manager  1773-74. 

Son  of  Robert  the  third  lord  of  the  manor  and  born  Dec.  26,  1742. 

He  assumed  the  name  of  Cambridge  as  a  middle  name  to  distinguish 

himself  from  the  other  Roberts.     He  married  a  daughter  of  John 

Swift,    d.  Aug.  23,  1794. 

74  ROSTER.  [I770 

Manager  1774-75,"  1784-85;  Treasurer  1785-87;  Second  Vice- 
President   1787-88;  First  Vice-President   1788-92. 

On  Sept.  4,  1772,  William  Maxwell  and  family,  passengers  in  the 
ship  "Juno,"  landed  in  New  York,  and  in  same  year  Maxwell  & 
Williams  advertise  that  they  are  "from  Bristol,  at  Robert  and  John 
Murray's  Old  Store."  They  further  say  that  at  Bristol  they  "for 
many  years  carried  on  a  large  and  extensive  trade  in  the  snuff  and 
tobacco  manufactories."  and  that  they  "have  erected  in  this  city  a 
complete  apparatus  for  carrying  on  the  said  business  in  all  its 
branches."  In  1773  their  store  is  in  the  Fly-Market  and  their  works 
at  Bayard's  Sugar  House  in  Wall  Street.  After  May  of  that  same 
year  their  store  was  at  the  lower  end  of  Wall  Street.  In  1785  he 
contributed  £20  to  Saint  Andrew's  Hall;  in  1786  became  Vice- 
President  of  the  Bank  of  New  York  and  subsequently  its  President. 
In  1786  his  address  was  No.  4  Wall  Street.  In  T794  his  estate  was 
being  administered  by  his  son,  James  Homer  Maxwell,  who  joined 
the  Society  in  1784  and  who  was  a  respected  officer  thereof. 


On  Jan.  8,  1761,  Lieutenant  in  Independent  Company;  Ensign  in 
the  16th  Regiment  Apr.  8,  1767;  Ensign  in  the  26th  Regiment  Feb. 
21,  1769;  Lieutenant  in  the  26th  Regiment  Mar.  2,  1770. 


Captain  26th  foot  May  12,  1759;  Major  26th  foot  Sept.  7,  1768; 
in  1770  he  had  been  in  garrison  at  New  Brunswick,  New  Jersey, 
with  one  hundred  and  sixty  men  for  three  years.  On  the  transfer  of 
the  company  the  inhabitants  presented  him  with  an  address.  During 
the  time  the  company  had  been  there,  there  had  only  been  two 
deaths,  while  there  were  over  fifty  children  born  to  them.  In  1773 
he  is  found  in  Montreal  and  in  1775  Commander  of  the  Post  of 
St.  Johns,  New  Brunswick.  He  was  besieged  by  Montgomery,  and 
after  a  stubborn  defence  surrendered,  marching  out  with  the  honors 
of  war. 

1 77°]  ST-  Andrew's  society.  75 


Captain  of  the  Royal  Artillery.     In  1773  he  was  stationed  at  St. 


Ensign  of  the  26th  Regiment  Jan.   12,   1770;  Lieutenant  of  the 
26th  Regiment  Feb.  22,  1776. 


The  only  one  of  this  name  whom  I  have  found  was  a  "Captain 
Andrew  Syme,"  a  noted  privateer,  master  of  the  Letter  of  Marque 
brig  "Loyal  Subject,"  carrying  4  carriage  guns,  6  swivels  and  15 
men,  belonging  to  the  Buchanans  of  Glasgow.  He  inflicted  great 
damage  to  American  shipping. 


Lieutenant  Robert  Weddall,  26th  Cameronians,  Feb.  7,  1759; 
Captain-Lieutenant  Robert  Weddall,  26th  Cameronians,  Oct.  31, 
1770;  Lieutenant  Robert  Waddle,  57th  Regiment,  Oct.  9,  1775. 
These  different  spellings  refer  to  one  and  the  same  man. 



Surgeon  of  the  40th  Regiment  Feb.  7,  1757- 

(This   name   appears   on   our   first   printed   Roll    as   Dr.   Calderwood 

and  in  the  History  as  M.  D.  Calderwood.) 

j6  ROSTER.  [l77^ 


In  the  provision  business  near  Pecks  Slip.  Sabine  says  in  1775  he 
was  the  owner  of  the  sloop  "Francis,"  which  was  permitted  to  sail 
with  her  cargo  for  the  Carolinas  by  the  Committee  of  Safety.  He 
remained  in  New  York  and  after  the  war  did  business  at  78  Cherry 
Street.  In  1779  he  became  a  member  of  the  Chamber  of  Commerce. 
In  1778  at  corner  of  Dover  and  Cherry  Streets. 


In  1774  in  the  Dry  Goods  business  "At  the  corner  of  the  Fly- 
Market.  Intends  to  go  to  North  Britain  in  the  Fall.  Wants  to  sell 
his  goods  cheap  for  cash  and  also  his  land  in  the  Scotch  Patent, 
Charlotte  County."  This  looks  as  if  he  did  not  stay  long  in  the 
country,  and  up  to  1780  I  have  found  no  further  reference  to  him. 


Born  in  the  Island  of  Mull.  Went  to  Jamaica,  W.  I.,  where  he 
practised  medicine  and  after  a  time  came  to  New  York.  On  Jan.  9, 
1772,  he  made  his  will,  and  after  providing  for  his  relatives  in  Scot- 
land, he  leaves  to  Dr.  Donald  McLean  (a  fellow  member),  his  "riding 
chairs  and  his  silver  Surgeon's  Pocket  Instruments  and  £20  for 
mourning,"  and  to  William  McAdam  (also  a  member),  £20  for 
mourning.    His  will  was  proved  April  29,  1772. 



Signer  of  the  Declaration  of  Independence. 

b.  Gifford,  Haddington,  Feb.  5,  1722;  son  of  James,  minister  of 
the  Parish  of  Yester;  graduated  Edinburgh   1742  and  in  1745  or- 

*  In  Morrison's  History  he  is  given  as  Manager  1794-95.  The  Manager  of 
that  date  was  Archibald  McLean  of  McLean's  Independent  Journal,  who  joined 
the  Society  in   1785. 

I771]  ST-  Andrew's  society.  yy 

dained  minister  of  the  Parish  of  Beith.  While  looking  at  the  Battle 
of  Falkirk  he  was  taken  prisoner  and  confined  for  two  weeks ;  in- 
stalled Pastor  of  Paisley  in  1757;  degree  of  D.D.  Aberdeen  1764; 
declined  the  Presidency  of  Princeton  in  1766.  but  accepted  a  second 
invitation  and  was  inaugurated  Aug.  17,  1768.  He  was  a  leader  of 
the  Presbyterians  of  the  country  in  embracing  the  American  side  in 
the  difficulties  with  the  British  Crown.  He  was  elected  to  the  con- 
vention that  framed  the  New  Jersey  Constitution  and  he  surprised 
his  fellow  members  by  his  knowledge  of  law ;  in  June  of  1776  he  was 
elected  to  the  Continental  Congress.  He  did  much  to  influence  the 
members  in  passing  the  Declaration  of  Independence.  During  the 
course  of  the  War  he  occupied  several  important  positions  and 
served  until  its  close.  In  1783  he  visited  England,  intending  to 
appeal  for  help  towards  Princeton,  but  found  it  politic  to  refrain 
from  doing  so.  He  returned  to  Princeton,  did  not  resume  the  work 
of  teaching,  but  occupied  himself  with  the  administrative  affairs  of 
the  college  till  the  close  of  his  life.  For  two  years  before  his  death 
he  was  blind.  His  writings  were  many,  mostly  of  a  religious  charac- 
ter.   He  died  near  Princeton,  New  Jersey,  Sept.  15,  1794. 

(His   name  appears  in   Morrison's  History  as  Wotherspoon,   M.D.) 


(1 746-1 777) 

Richard  Nicholls  Colden  was  son  of  Alexander  Colden,  Post- 
master of  New  York.  Graduated  from  King's  College  in  1766.  He 
received  a  commission  of  Ensign  in  the  42nd  Royal  Highlanders, 
Aug.  27,  1766,  when  that  regiment  was  stationed  in  Pennsylvania. 
Whilst  quartered  in  the  Isle  of  Man,  he  married  a  Scottish  lady,  a 
Miss  Bethune,  by  whom  he  had  two  sons,  Alexander  and  Cadwal- 
lader.  He  left  the  army  at  the  close  of  1771  or  beginning  of  1772, 
and  returned  with  his  family  to  New  York,  where  he  was  appointed 
Surveyor  and  Searcher  of  Customs.  He  died  Aug.  15,  1777. — Col. 
Doc.  Vol.  VIII.  p.  511. 

78  ROSTER.  [1772 


Fourth  son  of  the  Earl  of  Leven  and  Melville  and  born  about 
1740.  He  came  to  America  in  command  of  the  59th  Foot  in  1776 
was  Brigadier-General  and  commanded  the  light  infantry  at  the 
Battle  of  Long  Island.  He  served  with  great  distinction  during  the 
war,  particularly  at  the  Battle  of  Princeton.  In  1779  he  became 
Major-General ;  in  1780  he  was  at  the  capture  of  Charleston,  in- 
vaded Virginia  with  3,000  men  and  joined  Lord  Cornwallis  in  North 
Carolina  in  December  of  that  year.  He  led  the  right  wing  at  Guil- 
ford and  at  the  close  of  the  war  was  commandant  at  Charleston. 
After  serving  for  many  years  as  second  in  command  of  the  forces  in 
Scotland,  Lieutenant-General  Leslie  died  at  his  seat  of  Beechwood, 
near  Edinburgh,  Dec.  27,  1794. 


Of  New  Brunswick;  originally  from  Jamaica;  m.  a  daughter  of 
Jasper  Farmer  of  Perth  Amboy ;  probably  an  ex-army  surgeon.  Re- 
sided at  "Ross  Hall."    d.  1777. 



Manager  1797-99. 

In  1797  Merchant  at  127  Water  Street  and  was  still  there  in  the 

year  1800.     Scoville  says  he  had  one  share  in  the  Tontine  Coffee 

House.    He  was  one  of  those  who  signed  the  Brokers'  Agreement 

to  trade  with  each  other  at  J4  per  cent,  commission. 


Son  of  Andrew  Barclay  and  Helena  Roosevelt.     In  1773  had  his 
store  on  Hunter's  Quay  where  he  sold  Jamaica  Spirits,  Rum,  Sugar, 

1773]  ST-  Andrew's  society.  79 

&c,  and  in  1777  he  was  located  at  Little  Dock  Street,  corner  of 
Exchange.  He  enlisted  as  a  New  Jersey  volunteer  in  the  cause  of 
the  King,  was  taken  prisoner  on  Staten  Island  in  1777  and  sent  to 
Trenton.  Graduated  from  King's  College  M.A.  1766.  In  1786  Mer- 
chant 14  Hanover  Square ;  in  1789  described  as  "Vendue  Master." 


Son  of  Henry  Barclay,  D.D.,  Rector  of  Trinity,  and  b.  New  York, 
Oct.  12,  1753.  Graduated  from  Kings  College;  student  of  law  with 
John  Jay.  At  the  beginning  of  the  Revolution  he  entered  the  British 
Army  under  Sir  William  Howe  as  a  Captain  in  the  Loyal  American 
Regiment  and  was  promoted  to  be  Major  by  Sir  Henry  Clinton  in 
1777.  He  continued  in  active  service  till  the  peace.  His  estate  in 
New  York  was  confiscated,  and  at  the  close  of  the  war  he  fled 
with  his  family  to  Nova  Scotia.  Of  the  House  of  Assembly  of 
that  Province  he  was  for  some  time  Speaker;  and  of  the  Militia, 
Adjutant-General.  From  1796  till  1828  he  was  employed  in  civil 
stations,  under  the  Crown,  of  great  trust  and  honor.  He  was  suc- 
cessively a  commissioner  under  Jay's  Treaty,  Consul  General  for 
the  Northern  and  Eastern  States,  and  Commissary  for  the  care  and 
exchange  of  prisoners.  At  the  conclusion  of  the  War  of  1812  he 
was  appointed  Commissioner  under  the  Treaty  of  Ghent. —  (Apple- 
ton).  In  private  life  he  was  estimable.  He  was  a  sincere  and 
devout  Christian  of  the  Communion  of  the  Church  of  England.  He 
died  New  York.  Apr.,  1830. — Sabine. 


Traded  between  London  and  New  York  in  the  fast  packet  ship 
"Samson."  Member  Marine  Society  Jan.  13,  1772.  In  1778  master 
of  the  "Sally." 


b.  Dunfermline,  Sept.  7,  1735 ;  son  of  Rev.  Ralph  Erskine,  author 

80  ROSTER.  [1773 

of  Gospel  Songs  and  Scripture  Songs ;  came  to  America  in  1771  ;  in 
1772  Manager  and  Agent  in  New  York  of  the  American  Company's 
Iron  Works  at  Ringwood,  Long  Pond  and  Charlotteburg ;  during 
the  war  he  took  the  American  side  and  became  Chief  of  Engineers 
on  Washington's  Staff  and  Geographer  and  Surveyor-General  to  the 
Army.    He  died  at  Ringwood.  New  Jersey  in  1780. 


Ensign  in  the  55th  Regiment  Jan.  5,   1756;  Lieutenant  May  31, 
1759;  Captain  May  28,  1768;  Major  Nov.  17,  1780. 

(Appears  on  our  Roll  as  Gillon.) 


Son  of  Peter  Van  Brugh  Livingston  ;  born  Mar.  31,  1753  ;  married 
Susan  Blondel  or  Blundel.  In  1778  at  856  Hanover  Square  and 
part  of  his  business  was  importing  Irish  butter. 

(This  appears  in  the  History  as  Philip  Van  B.  Jr.  but  in  the  publication  of 
1823  it  is  Peter  V.  B.  Jun.) 


In  1761  master  of  the  sloop  "Rebecca"  trading  to  New  Provi- 
dence; in  1762  engaged  transporting  troops  to  Havana;  master 
successively  of  several  vessels  trading  to  the  West  Indies;  in  1773 
member  of  the  Marine  Society;  in  1775  he  was  of  the  firm  of  Shaw 
and  Long,  whose  store  was  between  Burling  and  Beekman  Slips, 
and  dealt  in  Earthern  and  Glassware,  Wines,  Spirits,  Cheese,  &c. 
That  same  year,  there  being  no  dinner  of  the  Saint  Andrew's  Society, 
owing  to  the  disturbed  condition  of  the  city,  he  presided  on  Saint 
Andrew's  Day  at  a  dinner  held  by  the  "Company  of  Caledonian 
Rangers,"  at  which  twenty-one  toasts  were  drank  of  a  character 
which  left  no  doubt  on  which  side  their  sympathies  lay. 

1/73]  ST-  Andrew's  society.  8i 


In  1759  lie  kept  a  dry  goods  store  opposite  the  Fly-Market;  in 
1763  he  became  insolvent  and  went  back  to  the  sea;  in  1767  master 
of  the  snow  "Amelia,"  carrying  freight  and  passengers  to  London ; 
in  1768  his  store  was  in  French  Church  Street;  in  1770  in  Maiden 
Lane  and  his  business  had  become  wholesale;  in  1772  on  Hunter's 
Quay;  in  1771  he  became  a  member  of  the  Marine  Society.  He 
died  in  1786. 


In  1764  one  of  this  name  had  a  house  in  Broad  Street;  in  1768 
master  of  the  sloop  "Peggy"  trading  to  Bermuda;  in  1771  James 
and  Alexander  Stewart  were  Ship-Chandler's  on  Cruger's  Wharf ; 
in  1772  trading  to  Liverpool  in  the  ship  "Hope,"  and  in  1775  master 
of  the  snow  "Henrietta"  from  St.  Thomas  to  Liverpool ;  in  1770  be- 
came a  member  of  the  Marine  Society;  in  1785  subscribed  £3.10.0. 
towards  Saint  Andrew's  Hall. 



Mariner.     Member  of  the  Marine  Society  July  9,  1770. 


Of  Catskill,  N.  Y.  In  July  of  this  year  he  landed  in  New  York 
with  a  large  number  of  Scottish  families,  evidently  from  Morayshire, 
judging  from  their  names,  he  himself  having  a  Morayshire  name. 
He  settled  them  on  his  lands  in  the  neighborhood  of  Coxsackie  and 
Catskill.     During  the  Revolution  he  was  a  Loyalist  and  was  im- 

82  ROSTER.  [1774 

prisoned  for  a  long  time  in  Albany  jail  and  occasioned  considerable 
correspondence.  Richard  Varick  in  a  letter  to  Governor  Clinton 
says  he  was  "a  man  of  pretty  considerable  influence  with  the 
Enemy."  He  was  eventually  exchanged.  One  of  this  name,  a 
Loyalist,  settled  in  Charlotte  County,  New  Brunswick. 


Son  of  John  of  Schenectady.     Captain  under  Sir  John  Johnson, 
d.  Feb.  1819. 



Mariner.  In  business  with  Thomas  Budd,  and  in  1769  his 
partnership  was  dissolved,  while  he  continued  in  business  for  him- 
self;  in  1772  in  command  of  the  sloop  "William"  from  South  Caro- 
lina and  return.  He  lived  "near  Peck's  Slip."  His  sister  Margaret 
married  James  Ronalds  (member  1786).  His  will  was  proved  Aug. 
2,  1781. 


Same  officer  who  joined  the  Society  in  1768.     No  other  on  Army 

Note. — There  is  no  record  of  the  Society  having  held  any 
meetings  after  the  year  1774  and  during  the  Revolution  period 
until  it  met  again  in  1784,  with  large  accessions  to  its  member- 



The  Colonial  Documents  contain  a  graphic  account  of  the  death 
of  Captain  Dalzell.  "On  the  31st  July,  1763.  he  led  a  detachment 
against  Pontiac  then  encamped  beyond  the  bridge  on  the  creek  called 
the  Bloody  Run  in  the  vicinity  of  Detroit.  The  British  party  was 
obliged  to  retreat.  'At  a  little  distance,'  says  Parkman,  'lay  a  ser- 
geant of  the  55th  (Otway's)  helplessly  wounded,  raising  himself  on 
his  hands  and  gazing  with  a  look  of  despair  after  his  retiring  com- 
rades. The  sight  caught  the  eye  of  Dalzell.  That  gallant  soldier,  in 
the  true  spirit  of  heroism,  ran  out.  amid  the  firing,  to  rescue  the 
wounded  man,  when  a  shot  struck  him  and  he  fell  dead.  Few 
observed  his  fate  and  none  durst  turn  back  to  recover  his  body.'  " 


(1 724-1 805) 

b.  1724.  He  early  entered  the  army,  and  was  promoted  Captain 
of  Artillery  Aug.  1,  1757:  Lieut.-Col.  in  1761  ;  Colonel  Apr.  25, 
1777;  Major-General  Feb.  19,  1779;  Lieut. -General  Sept.  28,  1787; 
General  Jan.  26,  1797.  He  was  appointed  Adjutant-General  in 
America  July  11,  1776.  and  was  sent  home  with  despatches  after  the 
battle  of  Monmouth,  N.  J.  lie  accompanied  the  expedition  against 
Charleston,  S.  C,  in  1780  and  was  chief  in  command  in  New  York 
after  the  capture  of  the  city.  On  his  return  to  England  he  twice  held 
a  similar  appointment  at  Woolwich  arsenal.  He  died  at  his  house  in 
Berkeley  Square,  London,  Mar.  1,  1805. — Applcton. 

(This  appears  in  its  proper  place  as  James  Patterson  and  so  appears  on  our 


Abercromby,    Gen.    Sir   James 

Adair,    Dr.   John 

Aitken,  Charles   

Alexander,    Cosmo    

Alexander,    George     

Alexander,    Capt.   John 

Alexander,    Capt.    William 

Alexander,  Major-Gen.  Wm.   ("Earl  of  Stirling" 

Anderson,   Andrew,   M.D 

Anstruther,    Col.    William 

Baillie,   Lieut.   James 

Barclay,    Andrew 

Barclay,    Andrew    D 

Barclay,  Rev.  Henry,   D.D 

Barclay,  James    

Barclay,    Col.    Thomas 

Bellardie,   Thomas    

Blair,   Peter,    M.D 

Brown,    Capt.    John 

Brown,   Capt.   William 

Brown,   Capt.  William 

Bruce,  Capt.  Robert  George 

Bruce,   William,   M.D 

Buchanan,  Lieut.-Gov.,  Sir  Francis  James 

Buchanan,    Thomas    

Buchanan,   Walter    

Buchanan,    Capt.   Walter 

Cameron,    Capt.    Allan 


Lieut. -Gen.    Alexander... 

Major-Gen.  Allan 


Capt.   Archibald 

Archibald,    M.D 

Gen.  Sir  Archibald,  M.P. 

Hon.    Daniel 

Brig.-Gen.    Donald 


Lieut.    George 

Lieut.  James 

Lieut.   James 























































































86  INDEX. 


Campbell,   Capt.  John 1760  36 

Campbell,    Gen.    John 1761  40 

Campbell,    John     1769  69 

Campbell,   Malcolm    1756  2 

Campbell,    Major    Mungo 1762  46 

Campbell,    Major    Patrick 1769  69 

Campbell,   Capt.   Robert 1757  18 

Carre,  Lieut.  Stair  Campbell 1756  3 

Cassilis,   Archibald   Kennedy,   Earl   of 1770  73 

Catherwood,  William,  M.  D 1771  75 

Chambers,    Capt.   James 1761  41 

Christie,    Capt.    Alexander 1761  41 

Christie,  James    1758  28 

Christie,   Thomas    1757  18 

Clephane,   Major  James 1759  30 

Cochrane,   Col.  Gavin 1757  18 

Cochrane,   Capt.  Thomas 1762  47 

Colden,  Alexander    1756  3 

Colden,    Cadwallader,    Jr 1762  47 

Colden,    David     1759  31 

Colden,    Richard    Nicholls 1772  77 

Coupar,  Capt.  Henry 1773  79 

Craufurd,   Lieut. -Col.   John    Walkinshaw 1757  18 

Cumming,  John    1774  81 

Currie,    Archibald     1761  42 

Dalglish,    John     1758  28 

Dallas,    Duncan     1762  47 

Dalzell,  Capt.  James 1757  19 

Doughty,    Thomas     1756  3 

Douglass,  David   1761  42 

Drew,   Capt.   James 1764  56 

Drummond,   James,   M.  D 1756  4 

Drummond,   Thomas,   Lord 1768  65 

Duffus,  Lieut.  Col.  James  Sutherland,  Lord 1768  67 

Dunbar,    Capt.    William 1765  59 

Duncan,    John    1756  4 

Duncan,  Capt.  Richard 1774  82 

Dunmore,  John  Murray,  Earl  of 1770  72 

Duthie,  James    1756  4 

Elder,  Capt.  Robert 1769  69 

Elliot,    Lieut.    John 1757  J9 

Elliott,   Lieut.-Gov.   Andrew 1764  56 

Elphinstone,   Capt.  John 1758  28 

Erskine,   Robert    1773  79 

Fairholme,    Johnston     17*3  53 

Farquhar,  William,  M.D 1756  5 

INDEX.  87 


Fleming,    David     1762  47 

Forbes,   Alexander    1763  53 

Forbes,    Lieut.    Charles 1756  5 

Forbes,    Lieut.    Lachlan '757  19 

Forrest,    Capt.    Robert 1761  43 

Foy,    Lieut.-Gov.    Edward 1770  72 

Fraser,   Lieut. -Gen.    Simon 1757  '9 

Fraser,    Capt.    Simon 1757  20 

Fraser,    Ensign    Simon - 1757  20 

French,   John    1765  60 

Fullerton,    Lieut.    George '757  21 

Gemmel,    David    1759  31 

Gillan,    Major    John 1773  80 

Glen,  Gov.  James 1759  32 

Gordon,   Major    Ann 1762  48 

Gordon,    Capt.   Peter 1760  36 

Gordon,    Thomas    1759  32 

Graeme,    Capt.    Charles 1757  21 

Graham,  ^Eneas   1756  5 

Graham,    Edward    ." 1756  5 

Graham,   Capt.  John 1762  48 

Grant,    Capt.    Alexander 1765  60 

Grant,  Capt.  Michael 1762  48 

Grigg,    Capt.  John.- 1757  21 

Haggart,   Lieut.   William 1762  49 

Hay,  Lieut.  William 1756  6 

Hunter,   Capt.   John 1765  60 

Hunter,    Walter     1756  6 

Innis,    Lieut.-Col.    John 1756  6 

Jackson,    Rev.    Thomas 1762  49 

Johnston,    David    1756  6 

Kennedy,  Capt.  Archibald   (Earl  of  Cassilis) 1770  73 

Kennedy,    Robert     1756  7 

Kidd,  Capt.   George 1764  57 

Laidlie,   Rev.   Archibald,   D.D 1765  60 

Law,  James    1760  37 

Law,    Robert    1761  43 

Leslie,  Lieut.-Gen.  the  Hon.  Alexander 1772  78 

Livingston,    James    1757  21 

Livingston,   John    1756  7 

Livingston,   Colonel   Peter  R 1763  53 

Livingston,  Peter  Van  Brugh,  Jr 1773  80 

Livingston,    Philip     1756  7 

Livingston,    Robert,    Jr 1770  73 

Livingston,   Gov.   William 1756  8 

Lock,    John,    M.D 1757  21 

88  INDEX. 


Louttit,    Capt.   James 1756  8 

Lowther,    William    1771  76 

McAdam,  Capt.  Gilbert 1760  37 

McAdam,    William    1761  43 

McAlpine,    Capt.   Collin 1756  8 

McBean,    Capt.    Alexander 1757  21 

McDonald,    Capt.    Alexander 1767  64 

McDonell,   Col.  John,  Jr 1759  32 

McDonell,    Capt.   Ronald 1759  33 

McDougall,   Capt.   George 1765  61 

McDougall,    William    1771  76 

Mcllworth,  Thomas 1757  22 

Mcintosh,    Captain    George 1757  22 

Mackay,    Lieut.    Francis 1757  22 

McKenzie,    John,    M.D.  )  (  1759  33 

. .  Tr       •        t  1         »«  t~.     -  same  person   -       i 

McKenzie,    John,    M.D.  1  v  \  1769  69 

McKesson,   John    1756  9 

McKie,   John    1757  22 

McKirdy,    Capt.    Daniel 1760  37 

McLean,   Capt.  Alexander 1757  23 

McLean,    Gen.    Allan 1756  10 

McLean,    Archibald,    M.D 1771  76 

McLean,   Donald,   M.D 1764  57    , 

McLeod,   Capt.   Norman 1759  33 

McQueen,  John    1756  11 

Maitland,  Lieut-Col.  the  Hon.  Alexander 1768  65 

Maitland,  Col.  the  Hon.  Richard 1764  57 

Malcom,   Brig.-Gen.   William 1763  54 

Marquis,    Capt.    Alexander 1769  70 

Martin,  Capt.  William 1760  37 

Mattheson,    Lieut.    Kenneth 1757  23 

Maxwell,  William    1770  74 

Mercer,   Robert    1759  33 

Middleton,  Peter,  M.D 1756  n 

Middleton,    Robert    1763  54 

Miller,    Capt.    Thomas 1756  11 

Miller,   William    1761  43 

Milligan,   David    1757  23 

Milligan,  John,  M.D 1756  11 

Milne,  Lieut.  David 1759  34 

Mitchelson,    Lieut.    Walter 1762  49 

Moncrieff,    Lieut.    Patrick 1770  74 

Moore,  Capt.  Thomas  William 1761  44 

Morison,    Donald     1756  12 

Morris,   Hon.  Lewis 1758  28 

Morris,   Hon.  Richard 1756  12 

INDEX.  .  89 


Munro,  John   1757  24 

Munro,    Capt.    John 1764  5S 

Murray,    Col.   Alexander 1760  3S 

Murray,    James,    M.D 1756  13 

Napier,   Sir   James 1757  24 

Newton,   Thomas    1 760  38 

Ogilvie,  Rev.  John,  D.D 1769  70 

Ougston,  Thomas   1759  34 

Pagan,   Hon.   William 1765  61 

Patterson,    James     1763  54 

Phyn,  James    1765  61 

Preston,   Major    Charles 1770  74 

Pringle,   Lieut.    Francis 1756  13 

Provoost,    John    1761  44 

Ramsay,    John    1759  34 

Ramsay,   Lieut.   William 1757  24 

Reid,    Gen.   John 1762  49 

Reid,    Capt.    John 1765  62 

Reid,   William    1774  82 

Ritchie,   Capt.  William 1774  82 

Robertson,  Gov.  James 1757  25 

Robinson,   Col.  Beverly   1762  50 

Ross,   Alexander,    M.D 1772  78 

Ross,  James    1766  62 

Ross,    John    1756  13 

Russell,    William    1757  25 

Rutherford,    Hon.  John 1756  13 

Rutherfurd,    Major   Walter 1756  14 

St.  Clair,  Sir  John 1757  26 

Scot,  Major-Gen.  John,  M.P 1768  66 

Scott,    Charles    1765  62 

Scott,  Capt.  David 1770  75 

Scott,   Hon.  John   Morin 1756  14 

Shaw,  Capt.  Daniel 1773  80 

Shaw,   David    1761  45 

Shaw,   Capt.  Neil 1761  45 

Simpson,  Capt.  John  Joseph 1761  45 

Sinclair,   Capt.   Robert 1773  81 

Small,    Major-Gen.    John 1763  54 

Smibert,    Capt.    William 177°  75 

Sproat,   David    1764  58 

Steuart,  William,  M.D 1769  7r 

Stevenson,   Capt.  John 1764  58 

Stewart,    Capt.   Alexander 1773  81 

Stewart,   Col.  Charles 1769  71 

Stewart,   Capt.   James 1758  29 

90  INDEX. 


Stewart,  John   1757  26 

Stewart,   Capt.   William 1766  62 

Story,   James,    M.D 1759  35 

Sutherland,   Lieut.-Col.   James    (Lord   Duffus) .  )  (1768  67 

c   a     1      j     /1  t  -same  person..-,  „' 

Sutherland,    Capt.    James i  F  (  1774  82 

Sutherland,  Lieut.-Col.  Nicholas 1762  50 

Syme,    Col.   1770  75 

Thomson,   Adam,   M.D 1756  14 

Tolmie,  Capt.  Normand 1760  38 

Traile,   George    1756  14 

Troup,  Capt.  John,  R.N 1756  15 

Turnbull,   Capt.   George 1757  26 

Vail,   Capt.    Christopher 1762  51 

Waddell,    Capt.    John 1756  15 

Waddell,   Capt.   Robert 1770  75 

Walker,  Capt.  John 1756  15 

Walker,  Capt.  John,  Jr 1756  16 

Wallace,    Hon.    Hugh 1768  67 

Wardrop,  James   1757  2f> 

Watts,  Hon.  John 1756  16 

Weir,  Daniel    1757  27 

Wilson,    George    1763  55 

Wilson,   Capt.  John 1761  45 

Witherspoon,    John,    D.D 1771  76 

Wood,   Thomas,   M.D 1756  16 

Young,   Col.  John 1760  38 

Younge,    William,    M.D 1757  27 

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